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How to adjust the street light timer switch
Check: Press the [TIMING] button continuously to check the time set for each group, whether the week is correct;
What are the dangers of streetlight glare?
The type of glare direct glare: eyes look at the light when the glare glare, such as looking at the sun or the other day to the car lights
What is the paint on the poles
At present, the anti-corrosion design of the road poles is usually made of hot-rolled steel pipe → hot-dip zinc (or cold galvanized) → spray outdoor powder coating (or spray paint) coating process.
Solar street light solar panel selection of crystalline silicon or polysilicon
The same wattage under the smaller size for sunny areas
The difference between street poles and street light stands
Street lighthouse is used to install the hoop on the concrete pole for the installation of street lamps on the shelf
What is the street lamp
Landing the street is "strain" is the height is "light"
What is the poles of the material
The basic function of street lights is lighting, its additional role can be works of art, landmarks, road signs, telephone booths, message boards, mailboxes, collection sites, advertising light boxes and so on.
Consult the street project budget
Protection tube laying; backfill;