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Yes, solar panels can be used to power agricultural irrigation systems. Solar energy can be harnessed to generate electricity, which can then be used to power pumps and other equipment required for irrigation. This can be a cost-effective and sustainable solution for farmers, especially in areas with abundant sunlight.
Solar panels can actually extend the lifespan of a roof. They act as a protective layer, shielding the roof from the elements, such as UV rays, rain, and snow. This helps to prevent damage and deterioration, ultimately increasing the roof's longevity.
Need solar panel info with dimensions and also the total cost of the whole equipment for setting up of the required solar panels for a 2-story home
There are many, upon many variations of equipment needed for a complete solar home. I would call several contractors in your area that deals with it and get estimates. You have to look at what your wattage diet is at your home. How many watts are you using for your AC and heat. Which can vary by age, efficiency, insulation of home, etc. Look at your electric bill for a normal summer month and a normal winter month, then estimate your heating and cooling (Sometimes can be as much as 70% of the bill). You will see on your bill your toal kilowatt hours. ( Kilowat = 000 Watts) Solar systems can start as low as $2.00/watt, but can rapidly approach $20.00/watt depending on the difficulty of application etc.... Here is the great thing, in many areas of the country there may be rebates from the county or state. And what you don't use can be fed back into the grid, and you get paid for it. But as always - Call a quailified contractor and get the right system for your home.
Why can't they put solar-panels on the blades and sides of the 300-500 foot tall turbines? Wouldn't this increase effeciency? Therefore, boosting pay-back time, profits, energy-output?
No. The solar panels would never be balanced. Those blades need to be very balanced. Additionally, how would the solar panels get the power from a rotating blade to the ground? It is better to have separate units. What we ought to be concerned with is having large solar panel farms. These are counter-productive to going green, as they still require long and harmful power transmission lines. Solar panels ought to be put on top of buildings which would be using that power. Any additional power not used could be added to the power grid. For those types of clean energy that are not practical on the roof might get space near the building, keeping the transmission lines as short as possible. Large farms ought to be owned by the nation, keeping the cost of the power to the customer as low as possible. Power companies rip off consumers with their price gouging. It is time to let the burden of making a few rich at the expense of the many end.
hi so im doing a school project thing and they have a lot of different questions for us that help us decide whether we would rather a city have a nuclear reactor, or solar panel. But i cant seem to get the last 2 questions...help please???so question ........What types of emissions, if any, are produced by each type of generating station? Do these emissions affect human health?question 2.....What are the long term financial costs associated with maintaining each type of generating station?thanks!
: Mostly produce heat 2: Keep Clean, trim branches, over hanging shrubs, and things like that.
I am searching for producers or distributors of solar panels. Thanks!
There are ton's of distributor around that can provide you a cheap solar panel that didn't came from China. Expand your knowledge and learn from a renowned solar company about the Best Solar Panels. Visit our site and contact us today!
200 watt solar panel generates how much watts of electricity per month?
Depends where you live. Each kWp will generate in a year about 750kWh in northern England, or 900kWh in the south. About ,00kWh in the south of Germany or up to 2,200 kWh in the Californian desert. The farther you are from the equator, the bigger the difference between summer and winter months: in S California summer months may only generate 2 times as much electricity as winter months. In the UK it can be 4-5 times as much. 200 W is 0.2 kWp so divide the numbers I gave by 5 and then divide by 2 to get the 'average' month - you really need to look up 'insolation tables' for your area though!
Yes, solar panels can be installed on community buildings. In fact, community buildings like schools, libraries, and community centers are excellent candidates for solar panel installations as they often have large roofs or open spaces that can accommodate solar arrays. Installing solar panels on community buildings not only helps reduce electricity costs but also promotes sustainability and clean energy in the community.