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How long should it be to store coke in the open air
So, in addition to avoid rain and direct sunlight, ventilation is.Coal and coke stored in an airless environment, a large degree of risk. The temperature is too high or spontaneous combustion has been easy to stuffy.
Mechanism of carbon and coke is not the same as the price which high?
I am on the Ba Chau facility in Hebei during May this year, but now has more than 3 months, only 2 tons of carbon, and are defective pile to nobody in my barn. I bought a big machine, according to them is made of bark can make the raw material drying, but home. It's not going to work. I had to switch to coal drying, coal can not over drying, rework is often the case. Carefully down a do tons of carbon coal money to spend more than and 300. The great machine can not work normally, the basic propeller around 4 hours repair time, until now I have changed my sleeve 7
How to remove the bottom of coke steel
Two, with cooking shovel (Mason's Pihui knife is best) to remove surface soft.Three, the same with a spade close to the bottom of the pot to eradicate. Until the last thing left is black.Four, wash the metal wire ball friction force discoloration, and always use water to clean out the dirt.
What is the difference between metallurgical coke and chemical coke
Quality index of cokeCoke is a solid product of high temperature carbonization, the main component is carbon, is a crack and irregular pore structure (or porous). The number of cracks has a direct impact on the strength and crushing strength of the coke, the index is generally measured in terms of crack degree (the number of cracks in the unit volume coke). The index of pore structure is mainly expressed by the porosity rate (the percentage of the total volume of coke), which affects the reactivity and strength of coke. Different uses of different coke porosity index requirements, the general requirements of metallurgical coke porosity in the 40 ~ 45%, 35 ~ 40% in coke, coke export demand in about 30%. Coke crack degree and the porosity level, and the coking coal has a direct relationship, such as coal based coke refining, crack, high porosity, low strength; with coal as the foundation of the coal refining coke crack less, low porosity and high strength. The strength of coke is usually represented by two indices of crushing strength and abrasion resistance. Coke crushing strength refers to coke can resist foreign impact force without ability along cracks or defects at the broken, represented by the M40 value; wear strength of coke coke refers to the ability to resist external friction without surface of glass forming debris or powder, said M10. The cracking degree of coke affects the M40 value of its breaking strength, and the pore structure of coke affects the M10 value. There are many methods for determination of M40 and M10 value method, commonly used in our country the German migon drum test.
The difference between coke and coal
This is the nature of coal from the formation of coal is coal, and coal deep-processing products
What is the effect of coke moisture on the blast furnace?
1, a large number of high coke moisture (when the rain open storage of coke in blast furnace smelting coke), if not timely load back down, will cause a relatively large impact on the furnace, coke is better then no timely adjusting load will cause heat phenomenon.
What is the use of petroleum coke
Petroleum coke. Solid residues produced by high temperature coking of residual oil, residual oil or bitumen from petroleum refining
The sulfur content of coal and coke in general, the coking process of sulfur content of coal into the output of sulfur content of coke compared to those who are high and low?
The sulfur content of coking coal basically all into the coke, only a small number into the gas but the number is very limited. How much coal is the amount of sulfur in the general coal is the sulfur. It should be said that coke is basically a little lower and a little bit limited.In the process of coking volatile will be a lot of consumption, ash will increase 2-3%.