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Car Side Lights Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Car Side Lights supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Car Side Lights firm in China.

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What kind of material and what heat treatment are used for pressing roller (molding, feeding, cutting force, heavy load, heavy load) of sheet steel rolling machine?
Non bonding wear of rolled material (especially stainless steel strip, etc.)
Improvement in rolling forming process
Can not meet the slender rod, thin-walled tubes and other rigid parts of the processing.
What is the surface rolling forming machine process?
The rolling process using metal at room temperature, cold plastic characteristic, through the rolling tool is the rolling tool to put some pressure on the metal surface, so that the workpiece surface by plastic deformation, the height to the lower tissue slip, the surface roughness decreased.
Introduction of roll forming process
Not only threaded fasteners industry applications, automobiles, bicycles and other industrial sectors also use rolling forming process, processing complex shapes of parts.
A roll forming machine, rolling out of the length is always not up to a fixed size, not too small, that is, more than that, what is the cause?
Yes, the width of the bearing plate can be a deviation from the length.
Process mould for rolling forming process
Press forming is an advanced processing technology, and its remarkable characteristics have been paid attention to by the automobile industry at home and abroad.
Material and equipment for roll forming process
Rolling process is a cold forging process, which can be used for rolling and forming a lot of materials. Among them, low carbon steel is a material commonly used in rolling forming, and non-ferrous metal is more suitable for roll forming.
What is rolling forming processing?
Rolling process is a kind of pressure finishing, which is a kind of cold plastic characteristic of metal under normal condition.