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Aluminum Stock Tank Pool Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Aluminum Stock Tank Pool supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Aluminum Stock Tank Pool firm in China.

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my leopard gecko laid eggs two days ago and i already candled them and one of them has a bulls eye thing and the other one is yellow but it has small veins at the bottom of it that kinda form a small circle and this egg is bigger than the one with the bulls eye and neither of them have dents in them or mold or anything they are puffy and white
well if you have an incubator put them in there and they will hatch in about a month if you don't there most surly going to die Good LucK!!!
My leo laid 2 eggs about 4 days ago and I put them in the incubator with Vermiculite,Water and the right amount of heat and so far they have survived.I thinkwhen I first caught them(which was right when the female finished laying them as I caught her laying them)they felt hard and were a bit pinkish whitish so I stuck them in the incubator and waited checking them everyday and candled them for the first time today and I see veins and a pink sac but when I held them to candle them they felt softer than when I first got them but had gotten whiter and bigger in shape is this good or bad? Please help this is my first time breeding my Leo‘s
Yeah, no more touching them. The eggs are growing, so they shell isn't going to be perfectly hard. Bigger is good. It means they aren't drying out. So just leave them be. Check on them weekly and don't turn them, and in a few months, you'll have some baby leos!
Ok, Last night my leopard gecko egg finally hatched but now what do I do. I have a small kritter keeper lined with paper towels and I put the container that the egg hatched in, in the kritter keeper as a moist hide (it has vermiculite in it). When should I attempt to feed it? And If anyone can go into detail with their answers that will be great, including websites that can help.
Breeding Rack: Make it yourself. Most breeders do. They are usually made from 2x4's and plastic tubs. Vermiculite: Walmart, garden centers, pet shop Incubator: Make it yourself. A popular favorite is getting a used/broken stand up freezer and turning that into an incubator. You can also use Fridge/freezers, or mini bar fridges. Some people also convert fish tank and coolers to make incubators out of. I've herd of more good results from the DIY models then I've heard from the store bought ones. They are also a LOT cheaper. Check places like Craig's List for used freezers. Also check out places that come and pick up used/broken appliances to get them for scrap.
i was going to buy one but then i talked to like 3 different breeders that say they dont even use uncubators just put them in hatchrite and keep them in room temp?
Hi sure its posible to hatch eggs with out an incubator BUT if the eggs were within the refrigerator it could have killed the membrane. so you are going to have to purchase new ones I new a girl who was once in poor health and needed to keep in mattress so she saved the electrical blanket on and became them two times an afternoon they hatched into satisfactory little chickens! you would take a look at that? goodluck )
Is vermiculite helpful to flowers?
Vermiculite is a kind of natural nonmetallic mineral. Its main function is used in flowers, seedlings, cuttings and planting
Waht to do when growing amaryllis from seed?
you never want to use chemicals like that best way is to use crushed coral for your substate or in your filter and get limestone rocks
we just found them yesterday what do we need to do to hatch them ?what should we put them in ?any tips?
My tip is to leave eggs alone. Do you have any idea what goes into a turtle determining where she lays her eggs? Don't you think millions of years of evolution have taught them a thing or two that you don't know? I've seen turtles go through the trouble of digging a nest hole to the point of completion and change their mind for some reason at the end, wandering off to find somewhere else. whether the temperature wasn't what she wanted or the humidity was slightly off, whatever, who knows what goes through the mind of a turtle. For some reason every year on this site, these questions pop up like weeds in my yard. I found turtle/bird/snake/whatever eggs, how do I take care of them? DON'T YOU THINK THE MOTHER KNOWS THESE THINGS BEFORE SHE LAYS THEM?! But the mommy turtle wasn't there! YEAH! THAT'S THE WAY TURTLES WORK. Within 24 hours of being laid, reptile eggs develop an air pocket and key blood vessels. moving the eggs too much after these have formed will cause said air pocket and blood vessels to rupture, resulting in the death of the developing embryo. In the future, let nature take care of itself unless you don't have to come on a site like Yahoo!Answers to get basic information. and anyway, even if somehow you do manage to get them to hatch, what are you going to do with the babies? Did you think that far ahead? What? You've got a 10 gallon tank you're going to put them in? Think again, and do a bit of real research before bringing another animal (or potential animal) home with you.
If I use vermiculite or pearlite with my plants would I still be able to say I grew my plants organically?
Various materials are used. Some are vermiculite, plaster, gypsum board, intumescent paints, and even water.