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hi, ive had my scaffolding for a little over a month now, and one of the holes has started going really weird. on the top, its swollen and sore on one side, and on the bottom, its the same but on the opposite side. not sure if its infected ir being rejected by ear, which ive heard can happen. i would like to keep it in if possible,as i love it. any help welcomed :) thanks xx
It could be infected or it could just be irritated, kind of hard to say. Irritation is usually red, sore, maybe swollen. Infected is red, swollen, painful, hot to the touch, dark yellow to green discharge. Best bet is to do warm sea salt soaks 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes each (1/4 teaspoon sea salt per 8oz water) and hit up your piercer for a professional opinion. Do NOT remove the jewelry until you are 100% sure it isn't infected.
What could you do with 100,000 jumbo cotton balls, 50 gallons of honey, and three story scaffolding?
Take them on the road-trip of course....we'll find some use for them along the way.....
According to the standard set up double scaffolding scaffolding to the number of meters per square meter
Once the calculation is qualified, you can according to the vertical distance
What are the components of a mobile scaffolding
The utility model relates to a standard steel pipe scaffold which is connected with the main structure of the wall and is connected with the main structure of the building.
I have some scaffolding that I would like to use to build a temporary slide to my swimming pool. The slide I would like to be made out of the side parts which are the ones like rectangles with bars going across them and I have a variety of poles. I would then like to put a slippery tarpaulin on to the frame.But how would I hold the tarpaulin up, because the metal poles will be too short? So that if someone slid down it they would not just burst through the tarpaulin and hit the floor after hitting around five metal poles!
Why would you even consider something like that? Obviously you kids and your family use this pool, why put them at risk making a temporary slide with scaffolding. Not a good idea.
Im in college football, I would be puting on and taking off my helmet, I usually keep it on though during practice...but would it be wise for me to get an industrial piercing a couple months before 2 a days and the football season...would the sweat maybe infect my ear, but I am a very clean guy? thanks, if you have an answer it will help my decision.....
trust me, bro. bad idea. industrials are very tempermental at best. your helmet will cause every problem possible. any descent piercer would tell you the same. don't do it. they take up to a year to heal soif you really want one, quit football or wait til you're out of school.
So im a guyAnd I might get oneAnyone had one before/got one?Any advice?How much do they normaly cost?if you answer this i will love you forever :)
My industrial was the biggest nightmare piercing I've ever had. I just retired it a few weeks or so ago after waiting for it to heal for 13 months. They usually take between 6 and 12 months to heal. It never healed completely. I got keloids on the inside and outside of both holes and they looked absolutely terrible. I was actually embarrassed when people asked to see my piercing. I couldn't sleep or use the phone or use headphones on that side of my head. Changing the jewelry to titanium only made it worse (and titanium usually does wonders in my piercings). It was the most finicky and miserable piercing I have ever had. Mine was not done with one needle. That is an improper piercing technique. The second hole does hurt like heck, though. Also, don't over-clean it. Twice a day is sufficient. Sea salt soaks are amazing, too!
i am getting my industrial (scaffold) pierced on one ear and i want my cartilage on the other ear, how long do i have to wait between them? What are pros and cons for industrial (scaffold)? what are risks and stuff and how much is it? i want to get it so any information or anything i should know would be great thanks especially for industrial:)
i heard from people after a year an industrial still hurts and they usually have to take them out