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Q & A

Yes, reflective material can be used in outdoor recreational equipment. It enhances visibility, especially during low-light conditions, and improves safety for users participating in outdoor activities.

Yes, reflective materials typically have fire-resistant properties. They are often made from materials such as aluminum, which has a high melting point and does not catch fire easily. Additionally, reflective materials are designed to reflect heat and light away, reducing the risk of igniting or spreading a fire.

Reflective material performs well in extreme weather conditions as it is designed to withstand harsh environments, including intense heat, cold, rain, and wind. Its durable construction and resistance to fading ensure that it maintains its reflective properties even in challenging weather conditions. This makes it highly effective in enhancing visibility and safety during adverse weather situations.

Whether you need reflective tape, reflective fabric, or other reflective materials, we have you covered. Our sales team is knowledgeable and experienced in the Mozambique market, ensuring that you receive accurate and timely quotations for your specific needs. We understand that technical support is crucial in this industry, and our team is ready to assist you with any technical questions or challenges you may encounter.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, we have access to a vast network of suppliers and manufacturers, allowing us to offer competitive prices and a wide range of products. Our one-stop procurement services ensure that you can easily source all your reflective material requirements from us, saving you time and effort.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering, and we strive to exceed your expectations with our high-quality products and exceptional service. With our extensive experience in the Mozambique market, we can provide valuable insights and expertise to help you make informed decisions for your projects.

Trust us to be your reliable supplier of reflective material products in Mozambique. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us assist you in finding the perfect solution for your needs.