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Q & A

The requirements for traffic barrier installation on bridges typically include factors such as proper design and engineering, compliance with relevant safety standards and regulations, sufficient strength and durability to withstand impact forces, adequate height and width to prevent vehicles from going over the edge, and proper installation techniques to ensure stability and security.

Traffic barriers prevent vehicle overruns by providing a physical barrier between vehicles and pedestrians or other areas where they are not supposed to go. These barriers are designed to absorb impact and redirect vehicles away from potential hazards, such as pedestrians or buildings, thereby reducing the risk of vehicle overruns and protecting both pedestrians and property.

Yes, traffic barriers can be effective in preventing vehicle break-ins. They serve as physical barriers that restrict access and create a deterrent for potential thieves. By limiting the entry points and controlling the flow of traffic, traffic barriers make it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to approach and tamper with vehicles, reducing the risk of break-ins. However, it's important to note that while traffic barriers can enhance security measures, they may not guarantee complete prevention of vehicle break-ins, as determined criminals might find alternative ways to carry out their intentions.

Yes, traffic barriers are mandatory in certain situations and locations. They are installed to ensure the safety of road users, particularly in areas prone to accidents or where there is a risk of vehicles crossing into opposing lanes. Traffic barriers help in redirecting or absorbing the impact of a collision, preventing vehicles from veering off the road or into oncoming traffic, reducing the severity of accidents and protecting both drivers and pedestrians.

Yes, in most cases, traffic barriers do require special permits for installation. Permits are typically necessary to ensure that the installation meets safety regulations and guidelines set by local authorities. Additionally, permits may be required to ensure that the barriers do not obstruct public rights of way or interfere with existing infrastructure. It is important to consult with the relevant local authorities or transportation departments to determine the specific permit requirements for installing traffic barriers.

Whether you are looking for temporary or permanent traffic barriers, we have the solutions to meet your specific requirements. Our products are manufactured using high-quality materials to ensure durability and reliability. We offer a variety of barrier types including metal barriers, plastic barriers, and water-filled barriers.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and will assist you in selecting the most suitable traffic barrier products for your project. We understand the importance of accurate and timely quotations, and our sales team will provide you with detailed information and competitive pricing.

In addition to sales, we also offer technical support to ensure that your traffic barrier installation is carried out smoothly. Our technicians have extensive knowledge and experience in traffic barrier installation and can provide guidance and assistance throughout the process.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have a strong global network and access to a wide range of resources. This allows us to provide efficient and convenient one-stop traffic barrier procurement services to our clients in Sri Lanka. Our aim is to simplify the procurement process and provide you with a hassle-free experience.

Furthermore, our market experience in Sri Lanka gives us valuable insights into the local industry and regulations. We can provide expert advice on compliance and help you navigate any challenges that may arise during your project.

Contact us today to discuss your traffic barrier needs and let us assist you in finding the perfect solution for your project.