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Stone Coated Steel Roof Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Stone Coated Steel Roof supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Stone Coated Steel Roof firm in China.

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The soil is heavy and I‘ve had to hand-pick rocks out of it. I plan to dig in a few handfuls per square inch of horticultural sand. I had read that manure would be too rich, so won‘t use that. But should I add some organic fertilizer like fish, bone or blood meal? I wish to plan right away.
I advise you to have the repair shop buy and install the parts. Then they give you a warranty on everything, parts and labor. If you give them the parts and there's a problem, they may say it's due to your parts having a problem and they won't warranty the complete job.
What kind of soil should be used in planting stem cutting plants?
I just did some cuttings myself, and I put it in 100% compost, and it is doing great! I won't do it any other way myself. For example, I did some tomato cuttings last week, and they all ready are 5 inches taller than when I planted them! Good luck
My worm farm says to sprinkle a handful of soil every time I add food scraps. I‘m just wondering if it‘s okay to use potting mix?
Potting mix usually contains sphagnum, peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, wetting agents, fertilizer and so on. It's not really considered soil. If you have some that has no fertilizer in it, it would be ok to use. If you are going to buy anything, buy a bag of quality top soil. That would be a better choice.
well my sister has a ten gallon tank and she wants a frog is a tree frog good and what do they eat and can it live in a 10 gal its hole life if it cant what is a good beginner frog
Do not get a tree frog unless its from a pet store. If its from the wild do not get it. And another good frog beginner would be a pac man frog but beware they r rly fisty
I cut open an old tomato the other day and found that a bunch of the seeds had sprouted! I would like to grow them hydroponically in a nutrient solution without a 'medium'. I grow some houseplants that way, in jars of solution with a bit of tin foil around the base of the stems to hold them firmly in the top of the jar, so the roots are half in and half out of the water. The sprouts are still a bit small for this, but I don't really want to put them in dirt because I would like to keep them clean for later. Any suggestions?
vermiculite is used for incubating eggs in, to keep the humidity up, it can cause impactions and slightly swells when moist, so I wouldnt advise it. As far a a humidity chamber for leopard gecko's dont really think they need one, unless they have a difficult time shedding. Leopard gecko's are found in the deserts of Pakistan, which arent known for their humidity if you know what Im saying. I would just offer a hide spot, zoo med (or maybe trex) offers a great one for leopards that actually is hidden beneath the substrate (typically calcisand, stay away from play sand, that CAN cause impactions) and is cut away so you can actually see inside of it through the side of your aquarium! its great and being beneath the substrate offers a cooler and more humid hide spot away from a heat source! good luck
Last night my bearded dragon ended up laying eggs, I was told she was a boy at the pet shop I bought her from so I didn‘t even know she was gravid so she ended up laying them in the viv, Anyway she started to cover the eggs up but then she stopped and started to move the eggs into the corner with her head, she then continued to violently head but them and ended up smashing a few of the eggs, so I had to take them away before she smashed them all. I want to know if anyone had experienced this before and if anyone can tell me maybe why she was doing this? Weather she was stressed out I don‘t know but any answers would be great! :) Also I know for sure that the other Bearded dragon she is kept with is male so she was most likely mated. I don‘t really know how to tell if they are fertile or not and Google is just giving me different answers but the Eggs are white and have pinky, red circles on them, some even have small red lines on them when held up to light, possibly veins? but I don‘t know. :)
They are fertile if you see the circle of of life and veins. Always try to keep the eggs in the original position in which they where laid so they won't die and kill the embryo. Keep them in vermiculite and make sure It is moist. Put them in an incubator at 84°F so they won't die off. If the eggs swell and get bigger as the baby beardies grow inside their eggs then you will be postive that they stayed fertile. The eggs will sweat and get dimples when they are ready to hatch. Beardie eggs take 2 to 3 months to hatch so you have some time to get a 40 gallon breeder tank for them to be in. Place the eggs in to plastic tubs that you can buy in any dollar store and make air holes for the eggs to breathe while putting them in the moist vermiculite. The humidity in the incubator should be at 75% at all times so get a humidity gadge and temperature gadge and place them inside the incubator. And remember beardies can lay up to 150 eggs. Use the repti-bator from zoomed.
How many methods of expansion of vermiculite?
When the expanded vermiculite is in the drying state, it has good frost resistance. When the degree of -20 is 15 times, the particle size of the expanded vermiculite is invariable. Expanded vermiculite is inorganic, so it is free of fungus, does not decay, does not deteriorate, and is not easily bitten by moth eaten mice. Expanded vermiculite is alkali resistant and non acid resistant, so it is not suitable for acid etching.
Our Leopard Gecko has laid 4 eggs. The first two were infertile the second two were fine at first then one started to grow mold and collapse inward after about a week. After this egg died she laid her last one and it is starting to do the same I reduced the amount of water but it doesn't seem to be doing any better. What am I doing wrong? We have a homemade incubator. Which is a plastic deli cup filled with vermiculite sitting on top of a sponge on a heating pad (the sponge helps to keep it at a constant temp). There is a humidity Gage inside and it is always around 90% and the temp has stayed at around 80'. What should the humidity be at? And is this setup all wrong it seems to keep the conditions right but my eggs keep dying.
perlite, vermiculite, and peat in equal parts rooting hormone intermittent mist bottom heat