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Geocomposite Definition Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Geocomposite Definition supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Geocomposite Definition firm in China.

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How to find the camera dead ends
This area is a little content is also basically invalid. You can understand this: he is absolutely below the corner, there can be their own myself, its perspective (apply medical biology in the term) and then do a isosceles triangle, the vertex is the camera, do this triangle vertical , That is, right triangle, and then you even if it is estimated that junior high school students will be considered! living comfortably without anybody's help!
Will the surveillance camera brand which?
Mid-range cameras - the series of cameras are mostly Japanese and Taiwan brands such as IKEGAWA, TAIYO, CONICE, LILIN, SANTACHI and BENTECH. Which IKEGAWA SN-480C (480TVL, 1.0Lux), TAIYO
Seeking a few surveillance camera manufacturers
Joint venture brand can also be considered, first-line products or import or joint venture.
Can I monitor the camera?
Can be some of the price of a little high point of the camera can be basically called the one machine. Install the cable when you need to pull a set of control lines, so you can control the control of the lens where the focal length. Want to adopt
Police surveillance camera and civilian What is the difference?
Police cameras and digital cameras are basically no difference, but for some special occasions, some of the requirements.
Is the camera pixel taller the better?
But because of the current network bandwidth limitations, really very high physical pixels in the video screen may be cards, depending on your network. Now most of the camera on the market is 30W physical pixels, said hundreds of millions are blowing, a few can reach 130W physical pixels, but expensive, Logitech is currently the highest pixel is only 200W, so 800W, 500W those are Is interpolated, there is no practical significance.
How quickly remember to monitor the camera model, to do business, such as the DS_2CD3T20D-I5 which is what is the Thank you
1.3 "structure type code is represented by a capitalized English letter, where:" C "means analog camera," H "means dome," Z "means one machine," M "means one machine movement," D " The
Monitor what is good for video recorders
Color it. From the quality point of view, basically what is called the brand, are very durable, not easy to bad.