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The installation of the horizontal lines, vertical lines and out of the line, respectively, what is the use of what in the end
In the measurement, the hole in the same horizontal line should be measured on a horizontal line to measure the height of the hole, and the width of the hole in the same vertical line is measured, whichever is the minimum (the minimum value of which is negligible, Doors and windows through the repair hole alone) as the same specifications of the doors and windows of the design guidelines for the external walls of the wall is not clear water or cement mortar exterior decoration, should be the construction axis and the horizontal line as the benchmark window and the horizontal axis, to measure the doors and windows The minimum width and height of the hole, and should be based on building outside the row of rulers to determine the final size of the doors and windows processing. The determination of the gap between the construction hole and the doors and windows, in excluding the architectural design error, by measuring the minimum horizontal height and minimum vertical width of the hole as the design criteria for the size of the doors and windows, do not have to consider the size of the building openings in Table 1 allowable deviation To consider the table 2 and Table 3 doors and windows when the deviation occurs when the measurement occurs when the positive deviation of the probability that the measurement of the size of the phenomenon is too large, doors and windows under the effect of temperature expansion and decorative surface layer thickness and other factors, Should be determined in accordance with Table 4, the gap between the doors and windows theoretical gap.
What are the key points for the production and installation of wooden doors and windows?
The production of good icu you and the size of the hole to the size of what accessories, i sealed ah! and many more
Do you have the order to install the floor and window? What order is it right?
This is not the absolute order of the two, mainly to see their own preferences it
What is the difference between a window and a beam and a ring beam?
Door and window over the beam refers to the door, the window of the beam, generally with the wall with the same or thick. Mainly to bear the weight of the beam to the roof of this part of the masonry. Ring beam is mainly to enhance the structural integrity of the casting components, and the construction column pouring into one, so that the entire engineering structure has a certain seismic performance.
What are the welding principles for steel doors and windows? Whether the vertical or vertical vertical welding, corner and doors and windows are used in what way to welding. More
Google check ,,, comfort. The The The
Red TV background wall, white wall, juvenile window frame with what color curtains nice, living room, bedroom, son room
The whole should be a red line, specifically to see what you like a tone, 1. Can be red ash, is similar to brown. 2. Pink tone, 3. Purple purple. 4. All the furnishings of the room reflect the taste of the owner, it is recommended not to use a similar cartoon or other incompatible decoration.
For example, C-1 drawings of the hole size of 1800 × 1500 and the construction unit sent the size of the settlement sheet 1185 × 1675 which is why. The More
If the size of the settlement unit by the construction unit you are smiling, it is possible to open a small hole, there may be wrong calculation of the construction unit, there may be your construction drawings taken wrong, the construction unit should take 1800 * 1200 hole
Doors and windows outside the door and the door and window hole size difference if only to the size of the hole how to install into the box size of the external problem added: in the end is minus a few centimeters ah? More
General box size is the size of the door and window openings height by 4 cm