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I have a college project due within a week, and it involves a 00 Watt solar panel and a 2V 7.5Ah Battery. I got the project finished up and producing free energy for my house in September, however recently the battery I bought, that was specifically made to hold Solar Power, lost its charge (unsure how or why) and it is pretty much useless. Can I just go to a store and buy any 2V car battery to use?
well the thing to remember just like any rechargeable battery they don;t respond well to continues charging they need some down time to discharge and then recharge. during the charging process the liquid or battery solution get hot and even evaporates. Replacing the battery solution with water won't work when your battery has lost it's solution you need to get battery acid replacement or battery repair solution. this is sold in many location near where the batteries are sold. check your spec for your solar panel out put and take those specification to your local auto store and they might even suggest an over sized battery. you might consider adding an additional battery in series for additional power might also using a light sensor and cut off switch solenoid which which stop charging or which would also stop and current from returning back to the panel. if you have every own a small car the battery is much smaller than that of a pick up. be sure that you don't get the small battery look for a large heavy duty battery all sold in the same store.
I've been thinking and I'd like to have solar panels installed on my roof at some point to help reduce our electricity consumption- but I live in IL and in the winter it frequently snows. Is there such a thing as heated solar panels so they don't get coated w/ice or snow? Are solar panels even a feasible option in IL? Thank you, Anna
My brother-in-law has 4 solar panels on his property. Each one is more that 4 times the size of a ping pong table and they automatically swing toward the brightest light (I.e., the sun). They generate electricity almost every day, unless it is very cloudy. He lives in Northern NJ, almost as far north as Chicago. They have been up for about 6 years and seem to be reliable. I'm not sure that a single static panel on your roof would generate enough to make it viable. But contact some people in your area to see how theirs are working out. Also contact your building inspector and electrical inspector to find out how to do the job 'to code'.
we are doing a fundraiser to have students pledge to make donations for a solar panel instalation on one of the school buildings. I am looking for a slogan for the campain.
nasa solar panels seem to be better than silica / silicone (i forgot the exact chemical) they make them with ink and aluminum then case them in glass, they are supposed to last like 30 years or something. good stuff. anyway a SLOGAN: solar pannels save money, and over the long run allow the school to save tht momney or use it somewhere else in the school, ie better food, better seats, better computers, whtever. maybe you can relate the campain slogan to what the savings will be used for. maybe a new scince program thats funded solely on the savings of the panels. but ok a slogan: IT'S OBSCEEEENCE, ROTFL... GIVE SOME DOLLAR$$ AND GO GREEEEEN!!!!!! eh, i know not so hot, gimme a minuet. lol LET'S MAKE THIS PANEL HAP'N CAP'N... MIB! LMAO THE SUN, FREE FUN, COME ON AT LEAST GIVE ONE (place pic of dollar bill below the ONE) good luck.
Yes, solar panels can be effectively used for powering remote monitoring systems. Due to their ability to generate electricity from sunlight, solar panels provide a reliable and sustainable power source for remote locations where access to grid electricity may be limited or non-existent. By harnessing solar energy, these panels can provide continuous power to remote monitoring systems, enabling them to function and transmit data without the need for traditional electricity sources.
How much candle lights is required to operate a 205 watt solar panel?
That's hard to tell. A solar panel produces somewhere between 7 and 0W per square foot under sunlight exposure. You should calculate the light intensity of sunlight, and then calculate the light intensity of a candle (You'll have to look that up in some physics book or the internet) and then just multiply the number of candles until you match the intensity of sunlight. Realistically, you would need so many candles that you wouldn't be able to fit them in front of the solar panels, assuming you don't end up with a huge fireball.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on a building with historical significance. Many historical buildings have successfully incorporated solar panels into their design without compromising their architectural integrity. This allows for the preservation of historical structures while also promoting sustainable energy practices.
Any opinion on harbor freight solar panels ?
Put my panel on roof of my motor home, regulator in belly rack with house batterys. Have had no problems in a year or so and they keep the house batterys charged
Yes, solar panels can be used in areas with high levels of dust storms. However, it is important to regularly clean and maintain the panels to ensure optimal performance. Dust storms may cause a temporary decrease in energy production, but it can be mitigated by implementing proper maintenance practices such as cleaning the panels and installing protective measures like dust shields.