400w Solar Module

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i want to go off grid with solar panels but i need to know how many vots and watts i need to power my house
you must consider what electrical appliances you want to use, eg. do you have an electric stove? clothes dryer? air conditioner? heater? watts are watts, solar panels are used to create d.c. electricity which is stored in batteries then inverted to a.c. household electricity the d.c. batteries are usually 36 to 48 volts then this is converted to 20 volt a.c. when you figure out the watts being consumed in your household you size your batteries and inverter to these requirements. on your current electric bill you should see a charge for kwh, kilowatt hours= watts in thousands x hours. If you use 25 kwh per month your house is using 35 watts per hour x 720 hours in a month. you would then want sol.ar panels that charge at least 70 watts per hour because roughly half of the day it's dark depending on where you live December is even less of course in the northern hemisphere. Your batteries need to have capacity to hold a days worth of power, batteries are rated in amp hours, amp hours x volts = watt hours. I hope this points you in the right direction. All of this being said be sure to buy your system from a reputable dealer, someone with experience and good references. I am an electrician and have seen systems put in that are completely worthless because they were not sized properly and It sucks to see that someone paid $30k or more for something that is completely useless, it sucks even more when they ask me to help them and I say pay another $30k to up size the system to what they need. Remember you don't get anything for nothing so be prepared to spend money initially and be prepared to be live very energy conscious in your day to day life. Good luck
Solar panels can have both positive and negative effects on roof aesthetics. On one hand, solar panels can enhance the look of a roof by providing a sleek and modern appearance, especially when integrated seamlessly into the roof design. On the other hand, some may argue that solar panels can detract from the overall aesthetic appeal of a roof, particularly if they are bulky or installed in a way that is visually obtrusive. However, with advances in solar panel technology, it is now possible to find more aesthetically pleasing options that blend well with different types of roofs, making them a viable option for homeowners concerned about both energy efficiency and the visual appeal of their roofs.
I recently bought a house with very old solar panels (about 25 years old) that don't appear to work properly. They are supposed to heat the hot water heater but they don't always work, and recently have staretd leaking. So, I have had them turned off and now we're just using electricity to heat the hot water. My question is, is there any tax credit money (stimulus or otherwise) available for people to (a) repair old solar panels or (b) replace them with new ones? How does the credit work?
If you buy NEW solar panels, there is a credit. see the 040 icon at www.okorder
name things someone could use solar panels for or make with solar panels? (use solar energy i mean?)
All depends on how many watts you have. I ran a small boom box off a 5w panel before with no problem. The higher the wattage, the more you can run.
Yes, solar panels generally require a specific orientation and angle for optimal performance. The ideal orientation for solar panels is facing south in the Northern Hemisphere and north in the Southern Hemisphere to maximize exposure to sunlight. Additionally, the optimal angle of tilt varies depending on the latitude of the installation site to maximize energy production throughout the year.
Yes, there are government incentives and tax credits available for installing solar panels. These incentives vary by country and region, but they often include federal tax credits, state or provincial rebates, and local grants or loans. These financial incentives aim to promote the adoption of renewable energy sources and help offset the initial costs of installing solar panels. It is advisable to consult local authorities or renewable energy organizations to learn about specific incentives available in your area.
Initial cost , space occupied AND DAILY CYCLE (unless through a battery) are the only disadvantages. REST ARE ALL ADVANTAGES
Yes, solar panels do require regular inspections and maintenance checks to ensure optimal performance and longevity. These inspections typically involve checking for any potential damage, dirt or debris accumulation, and monitoring the efficiency of the system. Regular maintenance checks may include cleaning the panels, inspecting wiring and connections, and testing the functionality of inverters and other components. By conducting these inspections and maintenance checks, any issues can be identified and resolved promptly, maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of the solar panel system.