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Q & A

To secure solar lights in the ground, you can follow these steps: 1. Choose an appropriate location: Find a spot in your garden or yard that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. 2. Prepare the ground: Clear any debris or obstacles from the area where you plan to install the lights. 3. Dig a hole: Using a garden trowel or shovel, dig a hole that is slightly wider and deeper than the stake or base of the solar light. 4. Insert the light: Place the stake or base of the solar light into the hole and ensure it is positioned straight. 5. Fill the hole: Fill the hole around the stake or base with soil or gravel, firmly pressing it down to secure the light in place. 6. Test stability: Gently wiggle the light to ensure it is securely anchored in the ground. 7. Adjust and align: If necessary, adjust the angle or alignment of the solar light to optimize solar panel exposure. 8. Allow for charging: Leave the solar light in the sun for a few hours to charge the battery fully before switching it on. By following these steps, you can effectively secure solar lights in the ground and enjoy their illumination during the evening.

Yes, there are solar lights available that can be controlled through smartphone apps. These lights typically come with built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to remotely control and customize the lighting settings using dedicated mobile applications.

Yes, solar lights are suitable for outdoor swimming pools. They are specifically designed for outdoor use and can provide sufficient lighting around the pool area without the need for electricity. Solar lights are energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and can withstand various weather conditions, making them a great option for illuminating outdoor swimming pools.

Yes, solar lights can be used for security purposes. They are designed to provide outdoor lighting and can help deter potential intruders by illuminating dark areas around homes, yards, or commercial properties. Solar lights with motion sensors are particularly effective as they can detect movement and automatically turn on, alerting homeowners or security personnel to any suspicious activity. Additionally, solar lights offer the advantage of being independent from the electrical grid, making them a reliable security option even during power outages.

We understand the specific requirements and challenges of the Swaziland market, and our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the highest quality products and services.

Our solar light products are designed to be energy-efficient, reliable, and durable, ensuring long-term savings and sustainability. We offer a wide range of solar lights, including solar street lights, solar floodlights, solar garden lights, and solar lanterns.

In addition to our high-quality products, we also provide comprehensive sales and technical support services. Our experienced team will assist you in selecting the most suitable solar light solutions for your specific needs and provide you with detailed quotations.

We take pride in our excellent customer service and timely delivery. Our efficient logistics network ensures that your solar light products will be delivered to your doorstep in a timely manner.

Partnering with us means partnering with a trusted and reputable company backed by the resources and expertise of CNBM. We are dedicated to helping Swaziland achieve its renewable energy goals and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

Contact us today to discuss your solar light requirements in Swaziland, and let us be your preferred supplier for all your solar light needs.