Solar Panel Inverter Kit

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Hi, I bought 50 6X6 inch solar cells, I also bought a 40 amp diode, I still need to buy a battery, and inverter and a voltage controller, could you tell answer me the following questions:) I would like t build a small panel at first, (may be 0 X 0 inch), with that I would like (or at least to try) to power my laptop for the hole day, so I wont receive a very high amperage, yet, all the inverters I saw at e-bay are rated over 400 amp, if I buy a 400 amp inverter, can I use it with such a small amperage?2) what about buying a small car inverter, will it work?3) suggestion about the battery and the voltage controller will be kindly appreciated.Thanks
I have an inverter that I use in my vehicle. It is rated for 400 amps this is it's maximum capacity. I can use it for less. It converts 2V DC to 20V AC. So Thais is all I need and may be your cheapest option. If your panels are producing a lot of amperage you may need a regulator to stop charging when your battery is fully charged.
My project needs to build a thermal solar panel that would be used as a demonstrational rig. The dimensions i am allowed do not allow me to use a normal thermal solar panel so i have decided to use the heat exchanger from the back of a fridge. Although this is possible to use what equation would i use to prove the power of the sun would actually heat up the water. More importantly when the rig is demonstrated to students, they will need to be able to determine if the raise in temperature given by the thermometers is what should be given. Variables of the rig will include: Angle of the panel, Light intensity, Direction of panel, and more importantly the flow rate of the water travelling through the pipes. What equation includes those variables (change in temperature, flow rate) and would allow me to incorporate the angle of the panel. The light source would be a lamp so i would also need to know how much of the energy from the lamp is actually being used by the panel?
solar panels don't store energy, they only generate it. If you want to store energy you need a battery bank of some kind to get you through the night and anytime the sun isn't shining. If you have a little extra in the budget you might look at a geothermal system for your home's heating and cooling needs. They're highly efficient systems and you can supplement however you like. Whatever you do, though I hope you have a good building envelope in place already. Solar panels are cool, but if you have a leaky house, you're still not getting the best out of your panels. Do the more mundane stuff first. Insulation, windows, and weather-tight doors.
i have 2 questions.. I have a 6v solar panel, if i wanted to charge batteries with that it what batteries could i charge? Could charge normal AA batteries with it our do i need special batteries.2. I have a 6v solar panel that produces watt. I want to light a bulb with it but whenever i hook it up the solar panel won't light it up. I think the current of the solar panel is too low. How can i increase the current of the solar panel
[] Use it to charge 4 pieces AA cell ( connect in series to make 5V battery pack ) for 0 to 4 hours. Good for cell rated 600mAH ,2000mAH,2500mAH. [2] Cannot increase current. Buy some more this panel and hook them together in parallel to increase current. You need at least ten pieces to make current reaches .6A to light up some 6V bulbs.
The lifespan of a solar panel typically ranges from 25 to 30 years, although some panels can last even longer with proper maintenance and care.
I'm doing a science fair experiment with a tiny two-inch solar panel that only gives off like .5 volts of energy, but I need to know how many volts an average sized solar panel (like one you'd get to run your house) would produce. And how many panels do people usually get?
2 volt and 24 volt are both common sizes. They are rated in voltage and watts. So you add the watts of the panels and buy enough to produce the amount of watts you need. For example, if you need 400 watts of power at 2 volts, you would buy four 00 watt 2 volt panels and connect them in parallel.
I need to prepare solar panels for using in home needs electricity purpose. Can anyone could help me to know much more about it.
The following guide is the best DIY guide to build your own Solar Panels. the guide include step by step instructions + video. To Your self a favor and invest on buying this guide (it will save you a lot of time money) tiny /solar55
Hi. I have been looking into getting solar panals but I only want them for one room. See, we're expanding the house by adding a basement, the basement isn't going to be that big but we wanted to have solar energy for the basement only. Could anyone give me a rough estimate on the cost of solar panals for my basement?
As Tex said, you have no idea whats involved. Start by looking into some sites that explain how they work and whats involved before asking how much on a small room. And how do you add a basement but not a main floor? and where is the basement roof?
is this fact true? - its a limitation to solar panels during summer when it's in extremly hot countrie. I've heard it from my science teacher .. please give detail if you have any and any more benefits/limitations is welcomed .. Thank you :) !
A good sunny day is best but allthough high temperatures will effect the output from the panel it will not be as affected as much as a cloudy day would.