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Aluminum Foil Shiny Side Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Aluminum Foil Shiny Side supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Aluminum Foil Shiny Side firm in China.

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What's the difference between stainless steel, cast iron, non-stick, aluminum, hard-anodized productsAre they used in different types of cooking or something?? cheers
You need to look at the entire cycle of your process to determine efficiencyIt takes massive amounts of electricity to make aluminium - OK you are using recycle but energy is used to collect itThe cans are painted and lacquered - that will inhibit reactivity - how will you clean them up? It takes massive amounts of electricity to make sodium hydroxide - any environmental imact needs to take that into accountYou can buy 50lbs of NaOH for $35 - how much electricity can you buy for $35? In other words, what are the relative economics of buying the sodium hydroxide and aluminium scrap vs the cost of electricity to make the same amount of hydrogen? When you electrolise water you also get oxygen as a by-productThat too has valueAt the end of your process you will have large amounts of waste sodium aluminate solution - does it have commercial value? No? How will you dispose of it? Heavily contaminated with caustic soda that is a hazardous waste - disposal is ?$?$?$?$!
A) 140 kJB) 140 JC) -140 kJD) -140 JE) This question cannot be answered unless the amount of water is known.Is the answer B? I keep getting -135 J for some reason
Well, you could always make meatballs to go with the spaghettiOr for the burgers you could saute some onions, bell peppers and or mushrooms to top them off, or put a little cube of blue cheese in the center of the burger before you cook itToast the buns with a little garlic butter.
Can you freeze cooked potatoes?
Yes you can!! Wrap it in aluminum foil then place them into a freezer safe zip lock bag! And when you reheat them they should be good and not freezer burnt!
I want to make a layer butter cream cake and cover it with fondantThe birthday will be on Saturday, but I wish I could get started on WednesdayI wanted to decorate on Thursday and Friday, but I don't know if that is too far aheadHelp pleazI want my cake to taste goodI would appreciate if you could tell me by stepThanks.
Work done per second power output ( Wattage ) P 1.6 10^2 9.8 1.4 2.1952 10^4 22 kW
I am curious why everyone seems to think FPS is such a big dealI run a customized gun that runs pretty hot (420 with .2s, I use .25s or .28s only) but I wish I had downgraded to the low 300s rather than put it into the low 400sOnce you can hit your target, and assuming you aren't a dedicated sniper (LONG range, never less than 100 feet) why is FPS important?
Well, put it this wayIf you and the guy your shooting at are 100 feet apart, your round reaches him after his round reaches youA big disadvantageIf your shooting 300fps and hes shooting 400, his round gets an extra 100 feet in a secondIm terrible for physics and math but break it down and his round will hit you before yours hits him, like your lagging but in real life Probably more important in paintball, but its a total game changer.
(Paper, Plastic bottles, cardboard, glass, metals)If possible, expain why or why not.One of you will get BEST ANSWER!!
We tried it The local government has a red bucket to put your recyclables in We did and left out sometimes up to 4 containers Until They didn't stop and pick up all the peoples recyclable things Called the County office up and they said they would get it taken care of Well next week did it again and same thing no pick up So our recyclable is back in the trash can I called up and told them what the problem was and that we even had all the stuff in separate containers paper aluminum plastic They said they would get on it right away Well I told them don't waist your time I have almost a months worth of recyclable material and it is going in the trash can Got all kinds of papers of I am sorry we are not From all kinds of people in the county waste management office I just tore them up and threw them in the trash can This is the dilemma of trying to do something to help and well you finish it .
Why do bad people get a lump of coal in their stocking for Christmas?
In Anglo-Saxon countries, Santa Claus is said to leave a lump of coal instead of Christmas presents in the stockings of naughty childrenUnless you've been naughty, you've nothing to worry about, but if you get an aluminum foil wrapped, irregularly shaped and fairly small stocking stufferyou should probably try to behave better next year!
Hey guys, so last year my friend of mine tried an experiment to increase the range of his usb wireless cardThe basic concept was to get the usb card and basically turn it into a mini Satellite as in he drilled a hole into he bottom of a large plastic bowl, coated the inside in aluminum foil, and super glued the usb card inside so that the the back chord would come out the other endhe then mounted it on a tripod he foundthe end result was that he was able to get signals from networks about a mile awayi don't remember the exact way he did it, so if any of you have experimented with something like this or something similar can you please tell me? I'm looking for a way to get some sort of internet access at my school form my laptop, thanks again ]
You can do a Google search for cantenna and find all sorts of interesting ways to make point-to-point unidirectional wi-fi antennasAs an experiment, some workers in our electronic maintenance shop used a big baked beans can, calculated the proper length from the back of the can and proper length of the probe inside the can, and got pretty good range (two bars at three blocks) from an 802.11B network card.