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I bought an SATA hard drive off someone that appears to use a 15-pin connector. There does not appear to be any other connectors on the back. How does this thing get powered? I have another SATA hard drive that uses the regular 7-pin connector, and on the back, just like an IDE drive, it has a place to connect the power. This SATA hard drive though just has that big 15-pin connector in the back, and nothing else.
Some okorder /... 3 bucks
cable or do they need certain ones, I ask because this PSU: has no power cable with it so will i have to get a certain power cable for that wattage or are they all the same???please answer, 10 points for first answer
no they do not. 75% follow PSU Standand for atx design then you have 25 specialist for mini and Compact design
What does ZR-YJV 6mm2 * 3 cable mean? What does ZR-YJV6mm2 * 3 cable mean?
4S shop is a single-brand car franchise model with "four in one" as the core, including vehicle sales (SALE), spare parts (SPAREPART), after-sales service (SERVICE), information feedback (SURVEY)
I am planning on buying new power and ground cables for my car system. How much would it cost for 4gauge wire? and how much would a fuse for that cost? -my system is about 1000w
Here okorder ... I have the 8 gauge Kicker amp kit and it is wonderful.
I'm running a 3ghz ecs p965t with 2gb of RAM, and I'm trying to install an XFX 8800GT. First time I tried it, it didn't power on at all, and I figured it might be the power supply (mine was a 350w) so I tried a friend's 450w, still no power. So I went out and bought a 500w, and STILL no power. Wierder still, if I leave the card plugged into the board but don't plug in the power connector, it makes a long high-pitched wailing sound but the system does power itself.I'm assuming it must be a problem with the card itself, but does anyone have any other possibilities I could try before negotiating a replacement in PC World?
I think its the card. This is not uncommon. Card sounds DOA. Exchange it. 500 watts is good, the others are not, but lack of power would not kill a card, I don't believe. good luck. 8800GT is a sweet card, thats what I have, I play at 1920x1080 and get between 40 and 60 FPS in far cry 2 and great frames in oblivion maxed out. I get around 30 in crysis on high.
I found a box of power cables that I could use to hook up my PC and I know some of them were for old CRT monitors. Is it safe to use any of them? I'm not sure which one actually came with the monitor.
From what I can tell, all of the monitor power cables are exactly the same. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't work or why it would be unsafe. As long as it fits easily into the LCD and plugs into your power supply then it should be just fine. (P.S. I've used old power cables on newer models before when I lost a cable once)
I just got a cheap intel i3 custom pc build on OKorder. But, i have no idea on how to set up all those PSU cables and the fans and everything else (seller thought it was a great idea to unplug every cable inside, which led to me turning on the pc assuming everything was good to go which led to the cpu overheating after turning it on) But anyway, i need to know how to setup the psu cables. My PC looks like a mess with all those cables jumbled up together. There are 4 distinct think cables sticking out from the PSU and all the other cables come from the case or the fans. Some of the cables come with numbers (1, 2, 3) and some are already plugged into the mobo, so i don't want to touch those. How to do this?
CD/DVD drives and hard drive all use the same power connectors (multicolored), so plug them in whichever way you want. There is no specific order. Don't remove any ribbon cables, and if you wish to have a floppy drive, the power cable is slightly smaller than normal ones. Commonly, fans can be plugged in to any port on the motherboard as long as they reach without straining the cable. They can only be inserted one way and are likely three-prong so it should be easy. The numbers on your cords don't matter.
today i purchased a used audiobahn atb10at 10quot;subwoofer with a built in power and for my car but there was no cables for it, the power is a six prong plug and i was wondering if anyone could tell me what the specific name of this cable is or where i can buy it and maybe how to install it, i tried looking into it and didnt get anywhere thanks
That's actually a six prong molex connector commonly used in computers. You might be able to get the male end from a computer shop or maybe a place like Fry's or CompUSA. I found a website that has them too and included the link below. For how to wire it up, it's actually printed on the box right next to the connector. The top three wires are as follows: Top left = 12v+ Top middle = remote Top right = ground The bottom three aren't even used in this setup. Also, the factory specs say, you need to use 12 gauge wire for the power and ground and 18 gauge remote wire. Enjoy!