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Q & A

Yes, solar water heaters typically require a backup system, especially in regions with limited sunlight or during periods of high water demand. This backup system ensures a continuous supply of hot water when solar energy is insufficient, such as using an electric or gas heating element.

Solar water heaters can have a positive impact on the aesthetics of a home. With sleek and modern designs, they can blend seamlessly into the architecture, adding a sophisticated touch. Additionally, the absence of bulky storage tanks or visible piping creates a cleaner and more visually appealing look for the property. Overall, solar water heaters can enhance the overall aesthetics of a home while also showcasing the owner's commitment to sustainability.

The size of the solar water heater system directly affects its efficiency. A larger system can capture and store more solar energy, resulting in a higher efficiency and greater hot water production. Conversely, a smaller system may struggle to meet the demand for hot water, leading to lower efficiency and potentially insufficient heating capacity.

The location of a solar water heater greatly impacts its performance. If the heater is placed in an area with abundant sunlight and minimal shading, it will be able to generate more heat and provide hot water efficiently. However, if the location is subject to frequent shading or lacks direct sunlight, the performance of the solar water heater will be compromised, resulting in reduced efficiency and heat generation. Therefore, choosing an optimal location with maximum exposure to sunlight is essential for maximizing the performance of a solar water heater.

Whether you are looking for residential or commercial solar water heaters, we have a wide selection of products to suit your needs. Our solar water heaters are energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and designed to withstand Palau's tropical climate. We offer both flat plate and evacuated tube solar collectors, allowing you to choose the best option for your specific requirements.

In addition to supplying solar water heaters, we also provide installation and maintenance services. Our team of trained technicians will ensure that your solar water heater is installed correctly and functioning optimally. We offer regular maintenance packages to keep your system in top condition and extend its lifespan.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, we have access to the latest technology and resources, enabling us to deliver high-quality products and services. We strive to provide excellent customer service and ensure your satisfaction throughout the entire procurement process. Our sales team will work closely with you to understand your needs and provide tailored solutions.

Furthermore, our extensive knowledge of the Palau market allows us to offer valuable insights and expertise. We understand the unique challenges and requirements of solar water heating in Palau and can provide guidance to ensure the success of your projects.

Choose us as your trusted partner for all your solar water heater needs in Palau. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us help you find the perfect solution for your home or business.