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Q & A

Yes, traffic barriers are commonly used in bus terminals to control and manage traffic flow, maintain order, and ensure the safety of passengers, pedestrians, and vehicles.

Yes, traffic barriers are commonly used in car washes to regulate the flow of vehicles and ensure safety for both customers and employees.

Yes, traffic barriers are effective in preventing wrong-way driving. They serve as physical barriers that restrict vehicles from entering prohibited areas, thereby reducing the likelihood of wrong-way incidents. Traffic barriers help to guide drivers in the correct direction and provide clear indications of entry and exit points, enhancing overall road safety.

Yes, traffic barriers are designed to be resistant to explosive blasts, providing a level of protection against potential explosions or terrorist attacks. They are typically constructed using materials such as reinforced concrete, steel, or specialized blast-resistant materials to withstand the impact and force generated by explosive blasts. Additionally, these barriers are often strategically placed to mitigate the damage caused by such incidents and ensure the safety of people and infrastructure.

Whether you need traffic barriers for road construction, parking lots, or other traffic management purposes, our company is here to meet your requirements. We understand the importance of reliable and durable traffic barriers in maintaining the safety and flow of vehicles.

Our product range includes various types of traffic barriers such as crash barriers, safety barriers, and pedestrian barriers. These barriers are manufactured using high-quality materials to ensure their effectiveness and longevity. We also offer customization options to meet specific project needs.

In addition to supplying traffic barriers, we provide comprehensive sales and technical support services. Our team of experts is well-versed in the technical aspects of traffic barriers and can assist you in selecting the most suitable products for your projects. We can also provide you with detailed quotes, ensuring transparency and competitive pricing.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the resources and capabilities to handle large-scale projects efficiently. Our experience in the Iraq market has given us valuable insights into local regulations, standards, and customer preferences. This enables us to offer tailored solutions and deliver superior service to our clients.

When you choose us as your supplier of traffic barriers in Iraq, you can expect a hassle-free procurement process. We prioritize timely delivery and ensure that all products meet international quality standards. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering, and we strive to exceed your expectations at every step.

Contact us today for all your traffic barrier needs in Iraq. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you and provide you with the best solutions for your projects.