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Q & A

The role of geomembranes in the repair of irrigation canals is to provide a waterproof barrier that prevents water seepage and reduces the risk of leakage or erosion. They are used to line the canal walls or floor, effectively sealing any cracks or damaged areas and ensuring efficient water flow and distribution, which is crucial for maintaining a reliable irrigation system.

Yes, geomembranes are generally resistant to long-term exposure to saltwater. Their composition and design make them highly impermeable to water and resistant to chemical and biological degradation, ensuring their durability and performance in saltwater environments.

Yes, there are regulations and standards for geomembranes. These regulations and standards are set by various organizations, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI). These standards outline the performance criteria, testing methods, and quality control measures for geomembranes used in various applications, ensuring their effectiveness and durability.

Geomembranes are typically maintained through regular inspections and preventative measures. This includes visual inspections to identify any signs of damage or deterioration, such as cracks or tears. Additionally, regular cleaning and removal of debris is necessary to ensure optimal performance. Depending on the specific type of geomembrane, additional maintenance activities such as patching or sealing may be required to address any identified issues. Overall, proper maintenance is crucial to extend the lifespan and effectiveness of geomembranes.

Our team is ready to assist you with any inquiries or requests you may have. Contact us today to discuss your Geomembranes procurement needs in Guinea Bissau and let us help you find the best solutions for your projects.