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Q & A

Traffic barriers help improve road safety by providing physical separation between opposing traffic flows, preventing head-on collisions. They also help to control and regulate the flow of vehicles, reducing the risk of accidents caused by reckless driving or speeding. Additionally, barriers can protect pedestrians and cyclists by creating a barrier between them and the moving vehicles, enhancing their safety on the road.

Traffic barriers assist in preventing vehicle intrusions by creating physical obstacles that restrict unauthorized access to certain areas. These barriers, such as bollards or crash-rated fences, are designed to withstand impact from vehicles and effectively block their path. By strategically placing these barriers at entry points or vulnerable areas, they act as a deterrent and can prevent vehicles from entering restricted zones, enhancing security and protecting pedestrians and property from potential threats.

Yes, traffic barriers are designed to be resistant to vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). These barriers are specifically engineered and constructed to withstand the impact of a vehicle and minimize the potential damage caused by explosive devices. They are an important security measure implemented to protect against such threats.

Yes, traffic barriers can be used effectively to protect public transportation stations. These barriers help to control the flow of vehicles and pedestrians, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring the safety of both passengers and infrastructure. They can also serve as a physical deterrent against intentional harm or accidents, creating a secure environment for commuters using public transportation.

We understand the unique challenges and requirements of the traffic management industry in Djibouti, and we are committed to providing high-quality traffic barriers that meet international standards. Our range of traffic barriers includes both permanent and temporary solutions, suitable for various applications such as road construction, events, parking lots, and pedestrian safety.

Our sales team is experienced and knowledgeable, able to assist you in finding the right traffic barrier solution for your specific needs. We offer competitive pricing and can provide detailed quotations tailored to your project requirements. Additionally, our technical support team is available to answer any questions or provide assistance throughout the procurement process.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the resources and capabilities to ensure reliable and timely delivery of traffic barriers to Djibouti. Our strong supply chain network and partnerships enable us to meet your project deadlines and requirements.

Furthermore, our extensive market experience in Djibouti allows us to offer valuable insights and expertise. We understand the local regulations and standards, ensuring that our traffic barriers comply with the necessary requirements. Whether you need assistance with installation, maintenance, or customization, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Choose us as your trusted partner for all your traffic barrier needs in Djibouti. With our comprehensive range of products, competitive pricing, technical support, and market expertise, we provide a one-stop solution to ensure the success of your projects. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us assist you in finding the right traffic barrier solution for your needs in Djibouti.