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Q & A

A solar-powered drone works by utilizing solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. These solar panels are typically mounted on the surface of the drone's wings or body. The electricity generated from the solar panels is then stored in onboard batteries, which power the drone's motors and other systems. The drone can fly during the day, directly using the solar energy it generates, and it can also store excess energy in the batteries for night flights or when sunlight is limited. This sustainable power source allows the drone to operate for extended periods without the need for refueling or recharging, making it an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution for various applications.

A solar-powered water feature is a decorative or functional outdoor water feature that operates using energy harnessed from the sun. It typically consists of a small pump or fountain that is powered by solar panels, eliminating the need for electricity or batteries. This environmentally-friendly option allows water features to run efficiently and cost-effectively without any additional energy sources.

Solar energy has a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by providing a clean and renewable source of electricity. By harnessing energy from the sun, solar power eliminates the need for fossil fuel combustion, which is a major contributor to greenhouse gases. This shift to solar energy helps to mitigate climate change, promote sustainability, and decrease our dependence on non-renewable resources, leading to a greener and healthier planet.

With our specialization in supplying solar-related products in Latvia, we are proud to offer a wide range of products to cater to your needs. Whether you require solar panels, inverters, mounting systems, or any other solar-related equipment, we have you covered.

Our services go beyond just supplying products. We provide comprehensive support throughout the sales process, offering quotations, technical assistance, and guidance to ensure that you make informed decisions and receive the right products for your projects.

As a subsidiary platform of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the backing of a highly reputable and financially stable organization. This enables us to provide efficient and hassle-free procurement services, ensuring timely delivery of your solar-related products in Latvia.

We take pride in our extensive experience in the Latvian market. This experience allows us to offer valuable insights and expertise, ensuring that you receive the most suitable and cost-effective solutions for your solar projects. Whether you are a residential customer, commercial entity, or part of a large-scale solar installation, we have the knowledge and resources to assist you.

At our platform, you can explore a diverse collection of solar-related products, sourced from renowned manufacturers. We prioritize quality and reliability, ensuring that our products meet the highest industry standards. By choosing us, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are investing in top-notch solar equipment.

Furthermore, our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service sets us apart. We strive to build long-lasting relationships with our clients by providing personalized assistance and addressing any concerns or queries promptly. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

If you are in Latvia and in need of solar-related products, we invite you to explore our offerings and experience our efficient and customer-centric services. Partner with us, and let us help you harness the power of solar energy for a greener and sustainable future.