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Q & A

Yes, solar energy systems can be used in areas with limited access to solar advocacy organizations. Solar energy systems are primarily dependent on the availability of sunlight, rather than the presence of advocacy organizations. While solar advocacy organizations can provide valuable assistance, such as education, resources, and support, the installation and operation of solar energy systems can still be achieved in areas without their direct involvement. Local governments, private companies, and individuals can independently adopt solar energy systems through self-education, collaboration with neighboring communities, or seeking assistance from external entities.

Yes, solar panels can be installed on satellite dishes. The large surface area and elevated position of satellite dishes can make them suitable for solar panel installation, allowing for the generation of electricity while still maintaining their satellite functionality.

Solar energy systems contribute to reducing water consumption by providing a clean and renewable source of power that does not require water for its operation. Unlike traditional power plants that rely on water for cooling and steam generation, solar energy systems generate electricity directly from sunlight, eliminating the need for water-intensive processes. This significantly reduces the overall water usage in the energy production sector and helps conserve this precious resource for other essential purposes.

Whether you are looking for residential, commercial, or industrial solar energy systems, our team of experts can assist you in finding the right solution. We understand the unique requirements and regulations in Latvia and can ensure that your solar energy system meets all necessary standards.

Our sales team is knowledgeable about the latest solar energy technologies and can provide you with detailed information on the various products available. We can help you choose the most suitable solar panels, inverters, batteries, and other components for your specific needs.

In addition to sales, we also offer comprehensive quotations to help you understand the cost and feasibility of installing a solar energy system. Our team will assess your energy consumption, site conditions, and other factors to provide you with an accurate and competitive quote.

Technical support is another crucial aspect of our services. Our team of experienced engineers can assist you with the design, installation, and maintenance of your solar energy system. We can provide guidance on the best placement of solar panels, optimal system sizing, and ongoing monitoring to ensure the efficiency and performance of your system.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, we have the advantage of a strong global network and access to high-quality products. We can provide you with all-in-one procurement services, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free process. Our extensive product range includes solar panels, inverters, mounting systems, cables, and other accessories, allowing us to cater to all your solar energy system needs.

With our years of market presence in Latvia, we have gained valuable expertise in the local solar energy industry. We stay updated with the latest regulations, incentives, and trends to provide you with the most relevant and efficient solutions for your projects.

If you are looking for a reliable partner for your solar energy system needs in Latvia, look no further. Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you harness the power of the sun for a sustainable future.