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Q & A

Yes, solar cells can be installed on walls. In fact, wall-mounted solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as they offer an alternative to traditional roof installations and can harness sunlight even in shaded areas.

Solar cells perform better in high-altitude areas due to several factors. Firstly, high-altitude regions receive more direct sunlight with lower atmospheric interference, resulting in increased solar radiation. Secondly, cooler temperatures at higher altitudes enhance the efficiency of solar cells as they function more efficiently in lower temperatures. Additionally, the thinner atmosphere at high altitudes allows for better transmission of sunlight to the solar cells, further optimizing their performance. Overall, solar cells in high-altitude areas have higher energy production and efficiency compared to lower altitude regions.

Yes, solar cells can be affected by hail or other extreme weather conditions. Hailstones can potentially damage the surface of solar panels, causing cracks or breaks in the photovoltaic cells. Similarly, other extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, strong winds, or heavy snowfall can also impact the performance and structural integrity of solar cells. Therefore, proper installation and protection measures are necessary to mitigate the risks associated with these weather conditions.

Whether you are a small business or a large-scale project, we have the expertise to meet your specific solar cell needs. Our sales team is dedicated to understanding your requirements and providing you with the best solutions tailored to your budget and project goals.

In addition to sales, we also offer comprehensive quotations that include detailed pricing and product information. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision about your solar cell procurement.

Furthermore, we understand the importance of technical support in the solar industry. Our team of experts is available to provide you with technical assistance, troubleshooting, and guidance throughout your project. We are committed to ensuring that your solar cells are installed and functioning optimally.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the backing and resources to provide you with complete procurement solutions. Our strong global supply chain and vast network enable us to offer competitive pricing and reliable delivery for solar cells in Austria.

With our years of experience in the Austrian market, we have gained valuable insights into local regulations, market trends, and customer preferences. This knowledge allows us to offer tailored advice and support to help you navigate the market and maximize the success of your solar projects.

Choose us as your trusted partner for solar cell procurement in Austria. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us provide you with the comprehensive services and support you need for your solar projects.