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Aluminum Foil As Conductor Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Aluminum Foil As Conductor supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Aluminum Foil As Conductor firm in China.

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I bought this printer recently, and it only came with a USB cable, and when i plug it into my computer, it won't turn on. Is there a power cable that's supposed to come with it?
yes it is the little round hole in the back of it look at lable on bottom for volts / amps then head to your local flea market
I need to resolve a debate- is there a power/telephone line under the sea running between the UK and USA? Or is the communication just done by satellite?
Satellite lol If there was a cable some kind of fish or something would of cut it by now.
Hi everyone. On a national trading website, I am planning on buying a second hand xbox 360. Now the auction I'm aiming for, only comes with the console and the hard drive. No power supply or av cables. But on another auction, they are selling power leads and av cables on their own. I was wondering if all types of power supplies/ av cables work on the different types of xbox's (Elite, Pro, Slimline, Orginal etc)10 points for best answer ;)
There are 3 different power supplies, and 5 different types of Xbox. First is the Xenon/Falcon Xboxes. The power supplies for these work with all Xboxes (excl the Slim) Next are the Opus/Zephyr. The power supplies for these ONLY WORK with these consoles. They have a little plastic pin in the plug so that they wont work in any other type of Xbox Lastly we have the Jasper Xboxes. Again, the power supplies only work with these consoles. Unless you buy a power supply for Generation One xboxes (Xenon/Falcon) then you're not guaranteed to get it to work. TBW
I have 2 subs and a amp, I have a hi/low converter so it will be able to work. I hooked it all up properly and i noticed i have a empty space on my amp. Its the power control cable. I have no idea how to hook this up to my FACTORY deck. Do i hook it up to the antenna? PLEASE HELP I NEED A ANSWER NOW please thanks-
Ya, okorder /
is it possible to split the live wire feeding my car stereo into 3 feeds so one is my stereo , two is my satnav power cable and the 3rd is my reversing sensor display. will this overload the wires? any advice how i can do this would be most helpful. thanks
I'm assuming you mean the wire providing the 12-volt power to your radio? And you want to connect other unit's it? It all depends on how much current is drawn by the additional units. Do they have fuses? What sizes are they? Backup cameras usually draw very little current and have really thin wires. Shouldn't be a problem. What type of navigation device? Does it use a DVD-ROM or is it just on a chip, like a portable Tom Tom, Garvin, etc.? If neither of the units' fuses exceed 5 amps, I'd say you're safe (in most cars) running it from the radio's power wire. However, you didn't state the type of car. Late-model GM cars or Audi/Volkswagen have low-current radio wires that use computers. They are known as data bus or can bus systems. I'd avoid connecting to these.
the power cable is in 2 parts, one from the xbox to a box, from the box to the wallthat box has an led light. when the xbox is on, it should turn green, when the xbox is off it should turn orange. my led light is turning red instead of orange and green.its not red ring of death, or 4 red rings, i know this because my xbox wont even power up because the box in the power cable will not send power to my xbox. im so confused...plz help
the okorder /
If I put pressure on the cord I have power but its almost impossable to work. A local computer repair said I have to replace the mother board. Can't the plug in the back be replaced? Thanks!
try another power lead, check all your connections, having failed that buy another power supply, work with cheapest options 1st
I would like to buy a PS3 in america, but i'm living in Italy and I don't know if there is some problems because of the different voltage of the power cable, included in the PS3 box. I don't know if it's possible to buy the power cable separately...please answers as quick as possible10 point at the best !!!!lello è sexy
If you guys in Italy use the one that is a right side up version is this =D then you should be fine. If bot you can buy a replacement cable for like $20 at a game store or best but or something like that.