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Q & A

No, solar chargers may not work with all satellite phone models as compatibility can vary depending on the specific charger and phone model. It is important to check the compatibility of the solar charger with the satellite phone model before using it.

No, solar chargers do not work at night as they rely on sunlight to generate electricity.

No, solar chargers cannot be used to charge portable canes as they are designed to generate electricity from sunlight to charge small electronic devices such as phones or tablets. Portable canes do not have the necessary components to be charged using solar energy.

Our team is highly knowledgeable about the solar industry and can help you choose the right solar charger products for your specific needs in Zambia. Whether you need solar chargers for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, we have a wide range of options to meet your requirements.

In addition to our product offerings, we also provide sales support services to assist you in making informed decisions. Our team can provide detailed quotations, ensuring transparency and accuracy in pricing. We understand the importance of budgeting and can work with you to find cost-effective solutions that meet your project's requirements.

Moreover, our technical support services are designed to assist you throughout the installation and operation of your solar chargers. Our team can provide guidance on system design, installation best practices, and troubleshooting. We are committed to ensuring the success of your projects and are always available to address any technical issues that may arise.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have access to a vast network of resources and expertise. This allows us to offer complete procurement solutions, ensuring that you have access to high-quality solar chargers at competitive prices. We prioritize customer satisfaction and work closely with you to understand your specific needs and deliver tailored solutions.

With our extensive market development experience in Zambia, we have gained valuable insights and expertise that can greatly benefit your projects. We understand the local market dynamics, regulations, and challenges, enabling us to provide guidance and support to ensure the success of your solar charger installations.

Partner with us for all your solar charger needs in Zambia. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with product selection, sales support, and technical expertise, ensuring a seamless and successful experience. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive range of solar chargers and how we can enhance your projects.