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Q & A

Yes, insulation can indeed be used in greenhouses and agricultural structures. It helps regulate temperature and creates a more stable environment for plant growth. Insulation materials such as polyethylene films, double-walled polycarbonate panels, or thermal curtains can be used to reduce heat loss during colder months and prevent overheating in warmer seasons. This allows for better control of the internal climate, resulting in improved plant health and productivity.

Yes, insulation can be installed in a tiny house. In fact, it is highly recommended to insulate a tiny house to ensure optimal comfort and energy efficiency. Insulation helps regulate the temperature inside, keeping it warm in winter and cool in summer. It also helps reduce noise, moisture, and condensation issues. Whether using traditional insulation materials or innovative alternatives, insulating a tiny house is a crucial step in creating a comfortable and sustainable living space.

Yes, insulation can be used in sloped roofs. In fact, it is highly recommended to insulate sloped roofs to improve energy efficiency, regulate indoor temperatures, and prevent heat loss. Insulation materials can be installed in various forms, such as batts, rolls, or spray foam, to effectively insulate sloped roofs and provide thermal comfort in the building.

We understand the importance of insulation in various industries and sectors, including construction, manufacturing, and energy. Therefore, we offer a wide range of insulation products, including thermal insulation, acoustic insulation, fireproof insulation, and waterproof insulation.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and technical support. We can assist you in selecting the right insulation products for your specific needs and requirements, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Furthermore, as a subsidiary of CNBM, one of the world's largest building materials companies, we have access to a vast network of suppliers and manufacturers. This allows us to offer competitive prices and ensure timely delivery of insulation products to any location in Romania.

Whether you are working on a residential, commercial, or industrial project, we have the expertise and resources to meet your insulation needs. Contact us today for sales, quotes, or technical support services, and let us help you achieve superior thermal and acoustic insulation in your projects.