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Q & A

Yes, black fiberglass tissue can be used for insulation pipes in petrochemical plants.

The typical burst strength values for black fiberglass tissue vary depending on the specific product and manufacturer. However, black fiberglass tissue is generally designed to have high burst strength properties, often ranging from 100 to 400 kilopascals (kPa).

Yes, black fiberglass tissue is fire-resistant.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction and we strive to provide competitive prices, timely delivery, and excellent after-sales service. Whether you need Black Fiberglass Tissue for industrial, construction, or other applications, we can meet your requirements. Our technical support team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about the product. We understand the importance of quality and reliability, which is why we only work with trusted manufacturers who meet stringent quality standards. Trust us to be your reliable partner for all your Black Fiberglass Tissue needs in the Netherlands.