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Q & A

Yes, fiberglass mesh tape is suitable for taping joints in fiber cement siding. Its strong adhesive and durability make it a reliable choice for ensuring a secure and long-lasting joint in fiber cement siding installations.

No, fiberglass mesh tape does not require any special cleaning.

Yes, fiberglass mesh tape requires joint compound to adhere to surfaces. The joint compound acts as an adhesive that helps the tape securely bond to the surface, ensuring a strong and durable finish.

Our Fiberglass Mesh tape is made of high-quality fiberglass yarns and coated with a water-based adhesive. It is widely used in the construction industry for reinforcing joints and corners of drywall, plasterboard, and other wall surfaces. The tape provides excellent tensile strength, durability, and resistance to cracking, making it an ideal choice for ensuring the long-term stability and integrity of your projects.

In addition to supplying Fiberglass Mesh tape, we also offer a range of related products and services. We provide technical support and guidance to help you choose the right type and size of tape for your specific application. Our team of experts can also assist with installation and provide training on proper techniques for achieving optimal results.

As part of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have a strong network and resources to ensure efficient and reliable procurement services. We have established partnerships with leading manufacturers and suppliers in the industry, allowing us to offer competitive prices and timely delivery.

Whether you are a contractor, builder, or DIY enthusiast, we are committed to meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us help you find the best solutions for your Fiberglass Mesh tape needs in Mongolia.