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What is flat pressure printing press?
Flat pressure printing presses, small size, printing speed is slow, low production efficiency, suitable for printing small prints, such as: greeting cards, invitations, books cover, envelopes, labels and so on.
What is a screen printing machine?
It is characterized by the installation of the screen on the drum, the ink poured in the drum. When the machine is working, the drum rotates and the rubber squeegee prints the pattern quickly onto the printed matter.
What is the printing machine?
Printing machinery is the printing press, binding machines, platesetter and
What is gravure printing machine?
Printed multi-color when the use of overprint or indirect local ink method, so that the various colors of ink according to the needs of the distribution of the relevant parts of the plate, printed multi-color basic printing principle and printed monochrome the same.
What are the basic components of a printing machine?
Printing presses generally by the paper, ink, printing, receiving paper and other devices.
What is a round pressure round press?
Also known as rotary printing press, its structural features are loaded plate machine printing machine and embossing institutions are cylindrical drum, cylindrical plate version of the institutions, commonly known as printing plate drum, as shown.
What is the basic classification of printing machinery?
Fifth, the printing press classification method, although many, but the core part of the printing press is the printing device embossing mechanism, therefore, according to the way of pressure, the general press is divided into flat pressure flat, round pressure flat, round
What is a letterpress printing machine?
Toppan printing presses are flat flat, round pressure and round pressure round three types. Flat flattened letterpress printing machine, also known as flat press. It is equipped with plate version of the plate and embossing institutions are flat, work, printing plate and embossed flat all-round contact, the machine once the total pressure is relatively large, relatively long imprinting time.