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Yes, fiberglass mesh can be used as a substrate for mosaic art. It provides a stable and durable surface that can easily be cut into desired shapes and sizes. Additionally, it is water-resistant and can withstand outdoor conditions, making it suitable for various mosaic projects.

Yes, fiberglass mesh can be used for reinforcing golf courses. It is commonly used to strengthen and stabilize the ground, prevent erosion, and improve the overall durability and longevity of golf course surfaces.

Fiberglass mesh is used in EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish System) to reinforce the base coat and prevent cracks from forming. The mesh acts as a strong and flexible layer that distributes stress and tension across the surface, preventing it from concentrating in one area and causing cracks. It also helps to maintain the integrity of the system by providing added strength and durability.

Yes, fiberglass mesh can be used for reinforcing fiberglass swimming pools. It helps to strengthen the structure and provide added durability.

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