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Q & A

Geocells are known for their excellent durability characteristics. They are typically made from high-strength polymers that are resistant to weathering, UV rays, and chemical degradation. This makes them highly durable and able to withstand harsh environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures, heavy rainfall, and exposure to chemicals. Additionally, geocells have a long service life and can maintain their structural integrity even under heavy loads and frequent traffic. Overall, their durability makes geocells a reliable solution for various applications including soil stabilization, erosion control, and slope protection.

Yes, geocells can be used in retaining wall construction on slopes. Geocells are three-dimensional honeycomb-like structures made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material. They provide stabilization and reinforcement to slopes by confining and reinforcing the soil within the cells. This helps to increase the strength and stability of the retaining wall, preventing soil erosion and maintaining the integrity of the structure.

Yes, geocells are suitable for ground reinforcement in parking lots. Geocells provide excellent load distribution and soil stabilization, preventing rutting and enhancing the durability of the parking lot surface. They also allow for efficient stormwater management and are cost-effective compared to traditional methods of ground reinforcement.

Geocells reduce rutting on roads by providing a stable and reinforced base for the road surface. The three-dimensional cellular structure of geocells allows for confinement of the aggregate material, preventing it from shifting or settling under traffic loads. This confinement improves load distribution and enhances the overall load-bearing capacity of the road, thereby reducing rutting and deformation.

We understand the unique challenges and requirements of the Palestinian market and can assist you in selecting the most suitable Geocells products for your specific needs. Our sales team is knowledgeable and dedicated to providing excellent customer service, ensuring that you receive the best solutions for your projects.

Furthermore, our technical support team is available to offer guidance and assistance throughout the entire process, from product selection to installation. We can provide detailed quotations that are tailored to your project requirements, ensuring transparency and clarity in pricing.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have access to a wide range of resources, including advanced technology, high-quality products, and a global network of suppliers. This allows us to offer competitive pricing and efficient procurement services, ensuring that you receive the best value for your investment.

Contact us today to learn more about our Geocells products and how we can assist you in your projects in Palestine. We are committed to delivering superior products and services that meet your specific needs and contribute to the success of your projects.