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Q & A

Operating a building hoist in earthquake-prone areas requires several safety precautions to minimize risks. Firstly, the hoist should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure its structural integrity and functionality. Additionally, it is crucial to install seismic restraints and bracing systems to secure the hoist against potential seismic forces. Adequate training and certification for operators are essential to ensure their competence in emergency situations. Conducting regular earthquake drills and having a clear evacuation plan in place can help everyone respond quickly and safely during an earthquake.

In most cases, a building hoist can be operated in extreme weather conditions, but it depends on the severity and type of weather. Hoists are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including wind, rain, and snow. However, during severe weather events like hurricanes or blizzards, it is recommended to suspend hoist operations for the safety of workers and equipment. Proper precautionary measures and regular maintenance should be taken to ensure safe and efficient operation in challenging weather conditions.

Yes, a building hoist can be operated manually.

Yes, a building hoist can be used for emergency evacuations. It can provide a safe and efficient means of evacuating people from high-rise buildings during emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, or other life-threatening situations. Building hoists are designed with the necessary safety features to ensure the smooth and quick evacuation of individuals, making them a valuable resource in emergency evacuation plans.

Whether you are involved in construction, renovation, or maintenance projects, our Building Hoists are designed to meet the highest industry standards and provide safe and efficient vertical transportation solutions. We offer a wide range of options, including single-cage and twin-cage hoists, with various lifting capacities to suit your specific requirements.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service. We provide comprehensive sales support, including product recommendations, technical specifications, and competitive pricing. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the most suitable equipment for your project, maximizing productivity and minimizing downtime.

In addition to sales, we also offer quotes and technical support services. Our knowledgeable team is available to assist you throughout the entire procurement process, from initial inquiries to after-sales support. We understand the importance of timely and accurate information, and we strive to provide prompt and reliable assistance.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the resources and capabilities to provide you with comprehensive procurement solutions. Our strong global network and partnerships enable us to offer competitive pricing, efficient logistics, and reliable after-sales support. With our extensive product portfolio and market expertise in Brazil, we can provide valuable insights and guidance for your projects.

We are committed to delivering high-quality Building Hoists that meet your specific requirements and exceed your expectations. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and how we can support your projects in Brazil.