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Q & A

A roof-integrated solar mounting system differs from other types by being seamlessly integrated into the existing structure of the roof. Unlike other mounting systems that are added on top of the roof, a roof-integrated system is designed to become a part of the roof itself. This integration not only enhances the aesthetics of the building but also provides better structural support and protection against weather elements. Additionally, a roof-integrated system typically requires less installation time and reduces the risk of potential leaks or damage that may occur with other types of mounting systems.

Yes, there are specific considerations for installing a solar mounting system in a shaded area. The most important factor is to assess the extent and duration of shade to determine if it significantly affects the system's energy output. If shade is unavoidable, alternative mounting options like tilt or elevation adjustments, or using micro-inverters instead of a central inverter, can help mitigate the impact of shading. Additionally, regular maintenance and trimming of nearby trees or structures is crucial to minimize shade interference and optimize solar energy production.

The warranty for a solar mounting system can vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific product. Generally, most reputable solar mounting system manufacturers offer warranties ranging from 10 to 25 years. It is important to carefully review the warranty terms and conditions to understand what is covered and for how long.

Yes, solar mounting systems do require regular maintenance. This includes checking for any loose or damaged components, cleaning the panels to remove dirt or debris, and ensuring proper alignment for maximum sunlight exposure. Regular maintenance helps to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the solar system.

Yes, there are mounting systems specifically designed to withstand extreme weather conditions. These systems are constructed using durable and weather-resistant materials, such as stainless steel or aluminum, and are engineered to withstand high winds, heavy snow loads, and other challenging weather elements. They undergo rigorous testing and meet industry standards to ensure their durability and reliability in extreme weather conditions.

With our solar mounting systems, we aim to contribute to the development of Bangladesh's renewable energy sector. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, ensuring that you receive the most suitable and cost-effective solutions for your solar projects.

We offer a wide range of solar mounting system products, including ground-mounted systems, roof-mounted systems, and carport systems. Our products are designed to withstand the local climate conditions and are made from high-quality materials to ensure durability and long-term performance.

In addition to supplying solar mounting systems, we also provide sales support, including detailed quotations tailored to your specific project requirements. Our technical support team is available to assist you in selecting the right system and to answer any questions you may have regarding installation and maintenance.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the resources and expertise to handle comprehensive procurement services. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure competitive pricing and timely delivery of products, allowing you to focus on your solar projects without any hassle.

Our years of market experience in Bangladesh have given us valuable insights into the local solar industry. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the market and can provide guidance and expertise to ensure the success of your projects.

Whether you are a solar installer, developer, or EPC contractor, we are here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to discuss your solar mounting system needs in Bangladesh and let us help you make your solar projects a reality.