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Q & A

Yes, traffic barriers can definitely be used to separate pedestrian and vehicle areas. These barriers are commonly installed in urban areas, construction sites, and roadways to provide safety and prevent accidents by clearly demarcating spaces dedicated to pedestrians and vehicles. They help in maintaining organized traffic flow and ensure the safety of both pedestrians and drivers.

Traffic barriers are primarily designed to control and direct vehicular traffic, not to provide privacy. While they may block the line of sight to some extent, they are not typically used as visual barriers for privacy purposes.

Yes, traffic barriers can be used effectively to protect outdoor events. They serve as a physical barrier that helps control and direct the flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, ensuring the safety and security of attendees. Traffic barriers can be strategically placed to create designated entry and exit points, prevent unauthorized access, and minimize the risk of accidents or incidents occurring within the event area. Additionally, they can be customized to incorporate signage or branding, enhancing both the functional and aesthetic aspects of event management.

Yes, traffic barriers can be used in combination with road signs. Traffic barriers are often used to physically separate lanes of traffic or to restrict access to certain areas, while road signs provide important information and guidance to drivers. By using both traffic barriers and road signs, transportation authorities can enhance safety, improve traffic flow, and effectively communicate specific rules or warnings to drivers on the road.

The materials commonly used to make traffic barriers include concrete, steel, plastic, and wood.

We understand the unique challenges and regulations in the Australian market, and we can help you navigate through them effectively. Our team of experts is knowledgeable about local standards and can provide you with the right guidance to ensure compliance and safety.

Whether you need traffic barriers for road construction, crowd control, or event management, we have the perfect solution for you. Our product range includes various types of barriers such as steel barriers, water-filled barriers, plastic barriers, and more. We source our products from trusted manufacturers, ensuring high-quality and durable solutions.

In addition to supplying traffic barriers, we also offer value-added services such as customization options to meet your specific project requirements. Our team can assist you in choosing the right barrier design, color, and size to suit your needs. We also provide installation support and training to ensure proper usage and maintenance.

At CNBM, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed your expectations. Our dedicated customer service team is available to assist you throughout the entire procurement process. From initial inquiries to after-sales support, we are committed to providing you with a seamless experience.

Partnering with us means gaining access to a reliable supplier, extensive product range, and exceptional customer service. Let us be your trusted partner for all your traffic barrier needs in Australia. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us provide you with a tailored solution.