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In my 9th grade high school biology class, we are making corn plastic. What is it and how do you make it?
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The plastic plants from dollar tree are they usable in my aquarium???
I did not find family dollar store fish tank products on-line but if the items you are interested in are in the pet department then I would say yes they are made for terrariums and aquariums..Just remember to clean the plants whenever you change the water and clean the rest of the tank.keep their environment as clean as possible. Peace
What are the pros and cons of plastic bags?
It takes more than four times as much energy to manufacture a paper bag as it does to manufacture a plastic bag. In 1999, 14 million trees were cut to produce the 10 billion paper grocery bags used by Americans that year alone. Paper sacks generate 70% more air and 50 times more water pollutants than plastic bags. It takes 91% less energy to recycle a pound of plastic than it takes to recycle a pound of paper. But recycling rates of either type of disposable bag are extremely low, with only 10 to 15% of paper bags and 1 to 3% of plastic bags being recycled, according to the Wall Street Journal. Current research demonstrates that paper in today's landfills does not degrade or break down at a substantially faster rate than plastic does. In fact, nothing completely degrades in modern landfills because of the lack of water, light, oxygen and other important elements that are necessary for the degradation process to be completed. A paper bags takes up more space than a plastic bag in a landfill, but because paper is recycled at a higher rate, saving space in landfills is less of an issue.
Yes, ground cover can be used as a weed barrier. Ground cover plants, such as low-growing shrubs or spreading perennials, can effectively suppress weed growth by shading the soil, competing for nutrients and water, and forming a dense mat that inhibits weed germination and growth. Additionally, ground cover also helps retain moisture in the soil, prevent erosion, and enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the area.
To prevent disease spread in a nursery tray, it is important to practice good hygiene and sanitation measures. This includes regularly cleaning and disinfecting the tray and any tools used, such as pruning shears or trowels. It is also crucial to use disease-resistant or disease-free seedlings or plants, as well as sterile potting soil or growing medium. Additionally, avoiding overcrowding and providing proper air circulation can help reduce the risk of disease transmission.
Some ground cover options for regions with poor soil fertility include clover, creeping thyme, moss, and sweet woodruff. These plants are known for their ability to thrive in nutrient-deficient soils and provide good ground cover while also improving the soil over time.
To plant ground cover, start by preparing the area by removing any weeds, rocks, or debris. Then, loosen the soil and add organic matter to improve its fertility. Next, choose the appropriate ground cover for your specific needs and environmental conditions, considering factors like shade, moisture, and foot traffic. Dig small holes or trenches, spacing the plants according to the recommended guidelines. Place the ground cover plants into the holes, ensuring the roots are covered with soil and firming it gently around them. Finally, water the newly planted ground cover thoroughly and provide regular maintenance like weeding, watering, and fertilizing as needed to ensure healthy growth and spread.
Agricultural plastic products help in reducing soil erosion on slopes by providing a protective cover over the soil surface. This cover prevents the soil from being directly exposed to wind and water erosion. Additionally, the plastic products help in retaining moisture in the soil, reducing the impact of raindrops and improving water infiltration. This ultimately leads to better soil structure and stability, reducing the likelihood of erosion on slopes.