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Q & A

Refractory bricks resist thermal shock in intermittent cooling applications due to their high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion coefficients. These properties allow the bricks to rapidly absorb and distribute heat evenly, minimizing the stress caused by rapid temperature changes. Additionally, the bricks' dense and durable structure helps to prevent cracks and damage, ensuring their ability to withstand thermal shock.

No, refractory bricks cannot be used in contact with hydrochloric acid. This is because hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive and can react with refractory materials, leading to their degradation and potential failure. It is recommended to use acid-resistant materials like acid-resistant bricks or linings when dealing with hydrochloric acid.

Refractory bricks are used in furnaces to line the interior walls, roof, and floor of the furnace. They are designed to withstand high temperatures and provide insulation, protecting the furnace structure from the extreme heat. The refractory bricks help to maintain the desired temperature inside the furnace, enhance energy efficiency, and prevent heat loss. Additionally, they provide resistance against chemical reactions and wear, ensuring the longevity and durability of the furnace.

We are proud to be part of the Swiss market and contribute to its growth and development. With our expertise and dedication, we aim to continue serving our clients in Switzerland and meeting their refractory brick needs.