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Q & A

No, fiberglass mesh is not suitable for use in oil refineries due to its low resistance to high temperatures and chemicals present in oil refining processes.

Yes, fiberglass mesh can be used for reinforcing fiberglass stairs and ramps. Fiberglass mesh is commonly used in construction and can provide additional strength and stability to the structure. It helps prevent cracking and ensures durability, making it suitable for reinforcing fiberglass stairs and ramps.

Yes, fiberglass mesh is suitable for reinforcing retaining walls. It is a strong and durable material that can provide added strength and stability to the structure of the wall. Additionally, fiberglass mesh is resistant to rust and corrosion, making it a long-lasting solution for reinforcing retaining walls.

Our Fiberglass Mesh products are made with high-quality materials and are designed to withstand various environmental conditions. They are widely used in construction, insulation, reinforcement, and other applications. Whether you need Fiberglass Mesh for wall reinforcement, plastering, or flooring, we have the right product for you.

In addition to our wide range of products, we also offer customized solutions to meet specific project requirements. Our team of experts can provide technical support and guidance to help you choose the right Fiberglass Mesh product for your application. We also offer competitive pricing and timely delivery to ensure a seamless procurement process.

At CNBM, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations. Our dedicated sales team is committed to providing excellent customer service and ensuring that your needs are met. Whether you are a contractor, builder, architect, or homeowner, we are here to assist you with all your Fiberglass Mesh needs in Luxembourg.

Contact us today to learn more about our Fiberglass Mesh products and services. We look forward to serving you and helping you achieve the best results for your projects.