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Q & A

Yes, solar energy systems can still be installed in areas with limited sunlight. While solar panels are most effective in regions with abundant sunlight, they can still generate electricity in areas with less sunshine. Advances in solar technology have improved the efficiency of panels, allowing them to generate electricity even in low-light conditions. Additionally, systems can be designed to optimize energy production by adjusting the angle and orientation of the panels. Therefore, solar energy systems can be beneficial even in areas with limited sunlight.

Yes, solar energy systems can be installed on agricultural land. In fact, agricultural land can provide an ideal location for solar installations due to its large open spaces and often sunny conditions. By utilizing solar energy systems, farmers can generate clean and renewable energy to power their operations and reduce their carbon footprint. Additionally, solar panels can be installed above crops, allowing for dual land use and maximizing the benefits of these systems.

Yes, solar panels can be installed on commercial buildings. In fact, many businesses are increasingly adopting solar energy as a sustainable and cost-effective solution to meet their energy needs. Installing solar panels on commercial buildings not only helps reduce electricity bills but also contributes to the overall environmental sustainability efforts of the business.

Solar energy can play a crucial role in reducing the risk of oil rig fires by providing a sustainable and clean alternative to traditional energy sources. By harnessing solar power, the reliance on fossil fuels for powering oil rigs can be minimized, thereby reducing the potential for accidents and fires associated with oil extraction and transportation.

Whether you are looking for residential solar systems, commercial solar systems, or even off-grid solar systems, we have the perfect solution for you. Our products are of the highest quality, sourced from reputable manufacturers, ensuring optimal performance and durability.

In addition to supplying solar energy systems, we also offer installation, maintenance, and after-sales support services. Our team of skilled technicians and engineers will ensure a seamless installation process and provide regular maintenance to keep your system running smoothly.

We understand that every project is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Our experts will work closely with you to design a solar energy system that maximizes energy generation and minimizes costs.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, we have access to a vast network of resources and expertise. This allows us to offer competitive prices and efficient procurement services. Whether you need solar panels, inverters, batteries, or any other component of a solar energy system, we can supply it to you quickly and efficiently.

We take pride in our commitment to sustainability and renewable energy. By choosing our solar energy systems, you are not only reducing your carbon footprint but also investing in a clean and reliable source of energy.

Contact us today to discuss your solar energy needs in Timor Leste. Our team is ready to assist you and provide the best solutions for your projects.