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Q & A

Yes, fiberglass mesh is suitable for use in swimming pools. It is a durable material that provides reinforcement and stability to the pool structure, preventing cracks and leaks. It also helps in distributing stress evenly, ensuring the longevity and strength of the pool.

No, fiberglass mesh alone cannot be used for soundproofing. Soundproofing requires materials with acoustic properties that absorb, block, or isolate sound waves, which fiberglass mesh does not possess. Fiberglass mesh is commonly used for reinforcing surfaces in construction, such as drywall, but it is not effective for soundproofing purposes.

The electrical conductivity of fiberglass mesh is very low, as fiberglass is an insulating material.

With our top-quality Fiberglass Mesh products and CNBM's global reputation, we guarantee exceptional durability and performance. Our range of Fiberglass Mesh includes various types such as alkali-resistant, self-adhesive, and fire-resistant options, suitable for a wide range of applications including construction, reinforcement, and insulation.

In addition to our extensive product range, we offer comprehensive support services to ensure your project's success. Our experienced team is ready to assist you with sales inquiries, providing competitive quotations, and offering technical support tailored to your specific requirements.

We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the Slovakian market. Our local expertise allows us to provide valuable insights and experiences, ensuring that your project is executed smoothly and efficiently. Whether you are a contractor, builder, or distributor, we have the knowledge and resources to meet your needs.

At our company, we prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to provide a seamless procurement process. From initial inquiries to final delivery, our team is dedicated to ensuring that your experience with us is hassle-free and meets your expectations.

When it comes to Fiberglass Mesh products and services in Slovakia, trust us to be your reliable and trusted partner. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us provide you with the best solutions for all your Fiberglass Mesh needs.