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Yes, hot-rolled steel can be effectively machined for precision parts. While the hot-rolling process may introduce some surface imperfections, proper machining techniques can remove these flaws and achieve the desired precision. However, additional precautions and tooling considerations may be necessary due to the inherent differences in the material properties of hot-rolled steel compared to cold-rolled steel.

Hot rolled steel is commonly used in the production of aerospace landing gear components due to its high strength, durability, and cost-effectiveness. It is utilized to manufacture critical parts like shafts, brackets, and fittings that require robustness to withstand heavy loads and harsh operating conditions. The hot rolling process enhances the material's mechanical properties, allowing it to meet the stringent requirements of aerospace applications. Additionally, hot rolled steel can be easily formed and shaped, making it suitable for creating intricate landing gear components that contribute to the overall safety and performance of aircraft.

Hot rolled steel is extensively used in the aerospace supply chain due to its unique properties and requirements. It is commonly used in the manufacturing of structural components such as fuselage frames, landing gear, and engine parts. The high strength and durability of hot rolled steel make it ideal for withstanding the demanding conditions and stresses experienced by aerospace systems. Additionally, hot rolled steel's low cost and availability make it a cost-effective choice for the aerospace industry. However, it is important to meet stringent quality control measures to ensure the material's integrity and adherence to stringent specifications and safety standards, given the critical nature of aerospace applications.

We are a Hot Rolled Steel supplier serving the Netherlands, mainly engaged in the sale, quotation, and technical support services of various Hot Rolled Steel products in the Netherlands region. We are a subsidiary platform of the Fortune Global 500 company CNBM, able to provide you with one-stop Hot Rolled Steel procurement services in the Netherlands. Not only do we have a wide range of Hot Rolled Steel products, but after years of market development in the Netherlands, we can also provide valuable experience for your projects.