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Q & A

Driving with worn-out brakes can pose a significant risk to both the driver and other road users. The main dangers include longer stopping distances, compromised control and maneuverability, increased likelihood of accidents, and potential brake failure. Worn-out brakes can reduce the effectiveness of stopping the vehicle, leading to difficulty in avoiding obstacles or sudden stops. Additionally, worn brake pads can cause overheating, warping, or damage to other brake components, potentially resulting in a complete brake failure when they are most needed. Therefore, it is crucial to address worn brakes promptly to ensure the safety of everyone on the road.

Driving while using prescription medications can be dangerous due to their potential side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, impaired judgment, and slower reaction times. These effects can increase the risk of accidents, making it unsafe for both the driver and others on the road. It is important to always follow the instructions of healthcare professionals and labels of medications to ensure safe driving.

There are several ways we can improve the safety of school zones. First, implementing stricter speed limits and enforcing them consistently would help reduce the risk of accidents. Installing speed bumps or traffic calming measures can also encourage drivers to slow down in these areas. Additionally, improving visibility through better street lighting and appropriate signage would enhance safety. Creating designated drop-off and pick-up zones away from traffic flow can minimize congestion and potential hazards. Lastly, educating both drivers and pedestrians about the importance of following traffic rules and being vigilant in school zones can contribute to a safer environment for everyone.

With our extensive range of Roadway Safety products and services, backed by the expertise and resources of CNBM, we are well-equipped to meet all your Roadway Safety needs in Kiribati. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and find out how we can support your projects.