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Q & A

Geocells help with pavement rehabilitation by providing a stable and reinforced base layer. These three-dimensional honeycomb-like structures are filled with aggregate materials, such as gravel or recycled materials, and placed beneath the pavement surface. Geocells distribute the load more evenly, reduce vertical deformation and lateral movement, and enhance the overall strength and stability of the pavement. This helps to prevent cracking, rutting, and premature pavement failure, ultimately extending its lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.

Yes, geocells can be used in the construction of temporary flood barriers. Geocells are three-dimensional cellular confinement systems made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) that can be filled with various materials such as soil, sand, or gravel. These cells provide stability and reinforcement to the barrier structure, preventing erosion and increasing resistance against floodwaters. Moreover, geocells are quick and easy to install, making them an effective solution for constructing temporary flood barriers in emergency situations.

Geocells improve soil stability by confining and reinforcing the soil, preventing lateral movement and erosion. The interconnected honeycomb-like structure of geocells acts as a barrier, distributing load and reducing stress on the soil. This confinement increases the bearing capacity of the soil, making it more stable and resistant to deformation. Additionally, geocells enhance soil strength and prevent soil particles from being washed away, helping to control erosion and stabilize slopes.

Geocells typically have a lifespan of around 20 to 30 years, depending on factors such as the quality of materials, installation techniques, and environmental conditions.

Yes, geocells are suitable for railway track stabilization. Geocells provide a stable base and improve the load-bearing capacity of the track by confining the ballast material. This helps in preventing lateral movement of the tracks and reduces track settlement, leading to better track stability and longevity. Geocells also help in distributing the load evenly, reducing the need for frequent maintenance.

Our team of experts is available to assist you in selecting the right Geocells products for your specific needs. We understand the importance of quality and reliability in your projects, which is why we only offer products from trusted manufacturers.

Furthermore, our sales and quotation services are designed to streamline the procurement process for you. We provide competitive pricing and transparent quotations, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions.

In addition to our sales and quotation services, we also offer technical support to ensure the successful implementation of Geocells in your projects. Our team of engineers is available to answer any technical questions you may have and provide guidance on installation and usage.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we uphold the highest standards of professionalism and customer service. We are committed to delivering products and services that meet your expectations and contribute to the success of your projects.

Contact us today to discuss your Geocells procurement needs in Guatemala. We look forward to partnering with you and providing you with the best products and services available in the market.