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Q & A

Yes, insulation can be used in existing buildings. Retrofitting insulation in existing buildings is a common practice to improve energy efficiency, reduce heating and cooling costs, and enhance comfort levels. There are various insulation options available, such as blown-in insulation, spray foam insulation, and insulation batts, that can be installed in walls, attics, and crawl spaces of existing buildings to enhance their thermal performance.

Yes, insulation can be used in restaurants and food service establishments. It helps regulate temperature, reduce energy consumption, and maintain a comfortable environment for both customers and employees. Additionally, proper insulation can prevent condensation and mold growth, ensuring food safety and quality.

No, insulation cannot be installed in dishwashers.

We look forward to serving you and meeting your insulation product needs in Bolivia. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive range of products and services. Let us be your trusted partner in delivering top-notch insulation solutions for your projects.