Solar Pannel Inverter

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does anybudy know about solar panels? plz reply me
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Yes, solar panels can be used to power a wastewater treatment plant. Solar energy can be harnessed and converted into electricity, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly option for powering such facilities. The generated electricity can be utilized to operate various equipment and processes involved in wastewater treatment, reducing dependency on traditional power sources and minimizing the carbon footprint of the plant.
Yes, solar panels can be damaged by hail or other severe weather conditions. Hailstones can cause cracks or dents on the surface of the panels, which can affect their efficiency or even render them inoperable. Other extreme weather conditions like high winds, heavy snow, or lightning strikes can also potentially cause damage to solar panels. However, it is important to note that modern solar panels are designed to withstand a certain level of weather-related stresses and are often tested for durability.
Yes, solar panels can be installed on disaster relief shelters. Solar panels are a versatile and sustainable solution that can provide electricity for lighting, charging electronic devices, and powering essential equipment in disaster-affected areas. They are portable, easy to install, and can help ensure a reliable source of energy in remote or inaccessible locations.
Does anyone know how I would go about hooking up the air conditioners in my house to solar panels? I would want just the air conditioners to be powered by solar energy. How could I hook it up where the panels can absorb energy from the sun during the day, and save and store the energy so I can run the air conditioners at night? I really feel that in the long run, this would save a lot of money with the energy bill. It's the use of the air conditioners that drive up the bill. Is this idea feasible? Is it also possible to have some sort of hybrid system where I can switch from solar to my regular local energy source when I want to?
There are solar air conditioners. They don't use electricity. Most anyway. The number of photovoltaic panels you would need to run a standard electric air conditioner would cover most of the homes on the block. Read about heat pumps, Thermal storage, swamp coolers, solar heating to get an idea of what is practical. Most solar systems are hybrid because of clouds and nightfall. The best solar homes are designed from the ground up. With plenty of insulation, the right size and orientation of windows and collectors. Putting solar on an existing structure is going to be a misfit half donkey job unless you are very lucky.
Online stores selling solar photo-voltaic generation kits gives specs indicating the power generation capability of the system. For example, Solar World Grid-Tie Solar Electric System with 245W Panels PV Powered PVP2000 Inverter, .2 to 2.4 kW. This seems to indicate that the system can generate .2 to 2.4 kW. Is that per day? Per month? I'm trying to calculate the return on investment, but can't because I don't know how much power a system such as this will generate in a month.
That would have to be in that instant of time or they would say kilo watt hours or KWH for short. But being the sun doesn't shine at the same intensity over any given hour you couldn't say a solar panel rated at 2.4KW would produce 2.4KWH of electric in a given hour. The power produced would have to vary as clouds passed over head. The power would also be reduced on days of heavy overcast or rain/ snow.
Yes, solar panels can be used in cold climates. While colder temperatures can slightly reduce their efficiency, modern solar panel technology is designed to work effectively in a wide range of temperatures. Additionally, snow can easily be cleared from the panels, allowing them to continue generating electricity during the winter months.
how much would you pay for a 2'x4' solar panel that puts out 24 volts and 74 watts?
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