Intertek Led Transformer

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Who knows how big transformers and lines the 36V transformer uses in lighting?
How many transformers should be used in the lighting of the 36V transformer, which should be chosen according to the power required. The greater the load (power), the greater the power to select the transformer.
The difference between lighting transformers and control transformers
Lighting transformer voltage is generally rated by a group or two setsControl transformers have many levels of output voltage
The transformer zero line has broken, has the result to the household illumination circuit?
The zero line is connected to the transformer neutral point of transformer, three FireWire for its voltage is 220 volts, according to regulations, the total can not take the zero line fuse, switch, because once the zero line is disconnected, the rest of the line will no longer be a neutral line, into the use of electrical appliances connected to two the conductor, according to the characteristics of series circuit, each phase with electrical voltage, on load distribution, change the original load smaller which phase by using electrical appliances, will damage due to excessive voltage.
Is the substation separate from the power and illumination transformer?
The power and lighting power supply in the substation need not be separated. In a large capacity power plant, the lighting can be electrically powered to ensure that the generator is stopped. The lighting source is often separated from the lighting transformer and powered by other power supplies.
What type of low voltage transformer should be adopted for safety lighting power supply?
Isolated transformer, once 380V or 220V, two voltage, 36V, 24V, 12V, several categories, do not allow the use of autotransformer.
How many A leakage protection switches are used in 5000VA lighting transformers?
According to the working principle of the protector, it can be divided into three kinds: voltage type, current type and pulse type. The voltage protection device is connected to the transformer neutral point and the ground, when the electric shock when the neutral point voltage offset to the real estate, in order to make the action to protect the power off, but because it is the protection of the transformer low voltage network, cannot be classified protection, so the power range is large, frequent moves, so has been eliminated. The pulse current protector is a sudden change in the phase and amplitude of the three-phase unbalanced leakage current when an electric shock occurs, which is used as an action signal, but also a dead time. The current type current leakage protector is widely used, so the protector of current type is mainly introduced below.
Line lights, lighting transformers in use!! Can live line work?!! Be afraid of electric shock 40
I don't know how much the output voltage of your transformer is, but the internationally accepted voltage below 36V is the voltage that is not harmful to the human body
How many can you bring with 220V? How many can you bring with 380V? There are 3 terminals on the transformer. There are 220V, 380V, 0, three terminals. 220V is the 220V terminal and the 0 connection. How can the 380V be connected? Is it 380V and 0 or 380V and 220V?
Because some transformers are connected to 380V and 0, they can be 1000VA capacity, but because of the same line diameter, the 220V terminals and 0 can not provide the capacity of 1000VA.