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The difference and relation between the electric contact pressure gauge and the remote pressure gauge
The electric contact pressure meter is suitable for measuring the pressure of copper, alloy free of corrosion, explosion free, non crystallization of various liquids, gases and other media. When the electric contact manometer is used in conjunction with the corresponding electrical device, the two bit automatic control and sending (alarm) of the maximum or minimum pressure preset to the pressure system under test can be achieved. The electric contact pressure gauge has the function of measuring and controlling. It can freely set up the upper and lower control pressure values. The operation is stable and reliable. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical, power stations, metallurgy and other industrial enterprises and electromechanical equipment.The resistance remote pressure gauge consists of a spring tube, a pressure gauge, a slide wire, a resistance transmitter, etc..The function principle of the mechanical part of the pressure gauge is similar to that of the spring tube manometer. Because the resistance transmitter is arranged on the gear drive, so when the fan gear shaft gear transmission mechanism of deflection, rotating arm resistance transmitter (brush) corresponding to the deflection, brush sliding on the resistor, the change of the measured pressure is changed into a resistance value, and at the two time the meter, indicating a corresponding reading value. At the same time, the primary instrument also indicates the corresponding pressure value.
How big is the thread type of the y-60 pressure gauge?
This size is generally M14 * 1.5 external thread.
Is the boiler pressure gauge mandatory?
Is. Moreover, there are six months a year, some of which are examined once a year
What are the types of pressure gauges? What is the principle of each? Who has other information about industrial hardware? Give it to me -- thank you
The oil pressure gauge is the vibration proof pressure gauge (the main role is to earthquake, the pointer swing damping effect)The pressure gauge is divided into four kinds according to the sensor: Bourdon tube pressure gauge, diaphragm pressure gauge, diaphragm pressure gauge and diaphragm pressure gauge.Basically, the spring element is different. The spring tube is used to indicate the pressure through the deformation of the 270 degree C tube;The diaphragm drives the pointer through a single diaphragm;The film box is equivalent to the two diaphragm welded together, just like a box, only for measuring gas.The diaphragm is a combination of diaphragm and spring tube.
Are you talking about using a gold contact? I'm a small relay for 24V. Do you need a gold contact?Let's talk about it.
I don't think it's necessary to use gold for contacts.1. The action of a contact on a pressure meter is equivalent to a switch used to conduct or disconnect the circuit. It does not require a power supply. The maximum operating voltage is 380V, and it can also be used for 220V or 24V (including AC and DC).2. Electric contact pressure gauge in the work process, will not contact in contact contact, due to voltage, spark will contact between the spark can burn contacts, lead oxide, so the electric contact pressure gauge work after a period of time will produce the phenomenon of bad contact, and can work normally after cleaning contact.3. In order to make the electrical contact work long time, it is important to note that the work power of the coil of the small relay in the back shall be controlled below 30W, otherwise it will burn up easily (contact power rating 30W).4. What material to choose contact is to consider comprehensively, choose pure gold or pure silver, only contact resistance is small, other aspects will not do.Our company produces a variety of electric contact pressure meter, suitable for a variety of industrial and mining use, interested can go up to see.
Function of electric contact pressure gauge
The upper and lower pressure can be set, the upper limit is reached, the power failure is stopped, the lower limit is lowered, the self starting voltage is raised, and the inner pressure is kept automatically in this range.
Will the air compressor inspection (pressure gauge, safety valve, gas tank) is where to go to detect, how much is the approximate cost?
The pressure gauge should go to the metering station, the safety valve, the storage tank to the boiler inspection office or the special inspection office, the cost is not high
What does the pressure gauge "Y100 0~60MPa" mean?
1, the pressure meter Y100 means: "Y" is the pressure gauge code, with "pressure" word, Chinese phonetic alphabet "Y", said the pressure gauge."100" means that the nominal diameter of the watch case is 100 millimeters.2. The pressure gauge 0~60MPa means that the measuring range of the pressure gauge is 0~60MPa. When we select the upper limit of the scale of the instrument, we should select it in the standard series stipulated by the state. China's pressure gauge measurement range standard series are: -0.1-0.06,0.15; 0-1,1.6,2.5,4,6,10X10 "MPa" (where n is a natural integer. Can be positive or negative).3, pressure is the physical pressure, that is, the size of the unit area to bear the pressure. Gauges based on atmospheric pressure are used to measure instruments that are less than or greater than atmospheric pressure, and gauges used to measure the pressure of a fluid (gas, liquid) are called pressure gauges.