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What is the role of alkali in the surface
Related to the crowd: the general population can edible production guidance: 1. Alcohol can remove the salad in the oil, the method is to wait until with the aroma of salad oil heated to hot, put a certain amount of soda ash, slowly with chopsticks Even can be; 2. Alcohol can remove the dough's sour taste, and can make the bread bulky white, but can not add too much, otherwise the bread will become yellow or crack, the taste will become bitter. Heat, taste bitter; with dehumidification, the food stagnation, detoxification of the role of acid. Note: 1. Do not put the food in the lye soak, so as to avoid raw materials rot, as long as the appropriate concentration of alkaline water will be repeated washing Several times can be; 2. Alkali is inorganic, itself does not have any nutrients, but the role of food cooking can not be underestimated, alkali solution of the electrolyte is the electrolyte, so that food raw materials (such as squid) in the protein molecules in water Ability to enhance the speed of raw materials to speed up, but should pay attention to master the amount of alkali, methods and time to prevent food raw material was too thoroughly, too bad or even deterioration.
How to go to the base of the teapot
Many people like to drink tea, but the cup of tea is difficult to remove the tea, tea wall grows a layer of tea, containing cadmium, lead, iron, arsenic, mercury and other metal substances. They are in the tea into the body, and food in the protein, fat and vitamins and other nutritional compounds, resulting in insoluble precipitation, hinder the absorption of nutrients. At the same time, these oxides into the body can cause nerve, digestion, urinary hematopoietic system diseases and dysfunction, especially arsenic, cadmium can cause cancer, causing fetal malformations, health hazards. Therefore, tea drinking habits, should always be timely cleaning tea inside the tea. In order to make you no longer a big headache for the matter, the following describes several ways in addition to tea: (1) remove the metal tea on the tea off, the use of metal tea, Become black, such as with medium-sized cleaning agent can not wash, can be soaked with vinegar, or soaked with bleach can easily peel. (2) to remove the cup or teapot on the tea, cups, teapots with a long time, it will be a lot of tea, with a sponge dipped in salt friction, can be easily removed. (3) in addition to small pieces of tea, can be soaked in bleach or clean powder solution, and place a night, you can remove the tea scale. (4) can be used toothpaste or broken eggshell scrub, and then rinse with water can be.
Would you like some rice when you cooked rice or millet gruel?
But there is a situation, that is, in the boiled polenta, corn paste, the production of Wo Wo first corn products, should add a small amount of alkali. This is because the corn contains niacin is very high, but there are 63% to 74% can not be absorbed by the body combined with niacin, long-term consumption of this corn food may occur niacin deficiency - podular disease: dermatitis , Diarrhea and dementia. Early symptoms include lazy weakness, loss of appetite, chapped lips, tongue swelling and pain. If the disease continues to develop, will make the skin in the sun dermatitis, face, hands and feet skin will appear red, long blisters, peeling, brown pigmentation, rough and wrinkles and other symptoms. In order to avoid this situation, the best way is to add some alkali in the corn food, that is, in the boiled polenta, corn batter, do Wo head, the amount of some alkali. This can make the combination of corn in the release of niacin released into a free niacin, alkali-added corn food generally niacin release rate of up to 37% to 43%, and also save vitamin B1 and vitamin B2, very It is good.
Alkali soda water
Soda water is an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, containing weakly alkaline, medical topical disinfectant, drinking and neutralizing the body's acid-base balance, changing the acidic constitution. Most of the soda water sold on the market is a synthetic carbonated beverage that is compressed into purified water and added sweeteners and fragrances. Soda water is a carbonated beverage, is pressed into purified drinking water into carbon dioxide, and add sweeteners and spices. He is an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, containing weakly alkaline, medical topical sterilization, oral administration can be integrated within the body's acid-base balance, change the acidic body. Sodium bicarbonate is what we say baking soda molecular formula NaHCO3 is usually said that the surface screwdriver, but this is not directly joined the surface screwdriver, the market selling soda water is mostly in the purified drinking water into the carbon dioxide, and add Sweeteners and fragrances of synthetic synthetic carbonated beverages. Baking soda: NA2CO3 soda: NAHCO3, weak base. Medical topical disinfection can be sterilization, oral administration can cure too much acid. Soda water is actually carbonated water Well, Coke, whiskey what is inside. Pure soda water also has, usually the equipment, supermarkets have to sell. Can be used for cocktails. Can go to the pharmacy to buy small soda tablets with warm water to the system, but the concentration is not good to master.
What is the difference between baking base and common base?
The main content is not the same
And how to do the big face ah?
Pour the white vinegar, acid-base balance
What is the important character of Chinese made alkali?
(1) NH3 + H2O + CO2 = NH4HCO3 (2) NH4HCO3 + NaCl = NH4Cl + NaHCO3 ↓ (3) 2NaHCO3 (heating) = Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 ↑ That is: ① NaCl (saturated) + NH3 + H2O + CO2 = NH4Cl + NaHCO3 ↓ ②2NaHCO3 = Heating = Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 ↑ Ammonia reacts with water and carbon dioxide to form a molecule of ammonium bicarbonate, which is the first step. The second step is: ammonium bicarbonate reacts with sodium chloride to form a molecule of ammonium chloride and sodium bicarbonate precipitation, sodium carbonate is precipitated because it is less soluble.
What is the alkaline powder? Baking soda? Sodium carbonate or something else?
Alkaline powder is used to do the soda with bread, and the same function with the soda powder. Soda powder rostmarry; alias also known as: sodium bicarbonate In the production practice, high-yielding dairy cows are in high energy, high protein levels. Sodium is also called "soda powder", not called "Sopram". (Other names) baking soda; sodium bicarbonate; acid sodium carbonate;