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Which is more energy saving by using 24V500W transformer lighting and 220V500W lighting?
220V500W more power saving:Reasons: 1, high voltage, small current, line loss is small; 2, reduce the transformer and other intermediate links, each link has a loss.
Who knows how big transformers and lines the 36V transformer uses in lighting?
The sectional area of the wire can be calculated according to the electric power formula. The current required by the wire is calculated, and then the reference to the national standard "500 volt copper core insulated wire, long term continuous load allowable ampacity meter" is selected.
3 24V100W lights, I need to use a large capacity transformer (220V change 24V)?
Pure resistive load, the power factor is 1.3 *100W=300W, is required for the capacity of the transformer.
Why the 21 lighting transformer must double winding type safety isolating transformers, prohibited the use of autotransformer.
The self winding transformer is connected by all its windings, and depends on the position of the sliding contacts to change the magnitude of the voltage. Therefore, there is not only a magnetic connection between the primary winding of the autotransformer (the power circuit) and the two winding (the power supply circuit), but also the direct connection of the circuit. It forms a circuit with the earth, so it can not be used as the power source of the safety voltage
Is the substation separate from the power and illumination transformer?
The power and illumination of the substation are all used on a transformer, which is separated by power and lighting by the station screen of this transformer.
1000 square meters low voltage.36 volts lighting power supply with multiple transformers and wires
To 30VA/ square meters, the transformer needs 30KVA, with two 120 square copper wire. Specific should be used to determine the total power of the lighting transformer.
Does the lighting work properly? Doesn't that power equipment start voltage unstable?
Power lines and lighting lines are connected to the same transformer, without affecting the use of a transformer power users, lighting and power are connected together.
How many can you bring with 220V? How many can you bring with 380V? There are 3 terminals on the transformer. There are 220V, 380V, 0, three terminals. 220V is the 220V terminal and the 0 connection. How can the 380V be connected? Is it 380V and 0 or 380V and 220V?
The key is that the 220V terminals and 0 can not provide 1000VA capacity?