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Q & A

Refractory bricks resist thermal spalling due to their high heat resistance and ability to withstand rapid changes in temperature. They are made from materials with low thermal conductivity, which helps to insulate the brick and prevent the transfer of heat. Additionally, the bricks are designed to expand and contract without cracking or breaking, allowing them to withstand the stress caused by thermal cycling.

Yes, refractory bricks can be used in chimney construction. Refractory bricks are specifically designed to withstand high temperatures and are commonly used in the construction of chimneys to ensure durability and resistance to heat.

Yes, refractory bricks are typically resistant to molten gold.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and to discuss how we can support your projects in Ghana. Our team is ready to assist you and provide you with the best solutions for your Refractory Bricks requirements. Let us be your reliable partner in Ghana.